Estimation on the effectiveness of the crossventilation as a passive cooling method for houses

The integration of research outputs on the cross ventilation is tried in order to quantify the reduction of cooling energy, by raising the stepwise questions and by reviewingexisting knowledge useful to find solutions. Through the integration, it will be possible to estimate the sensitivity of errors of discharge coefficients and wind pressure coefficients on the cooling energy and to determine the necessary accuracy.

Estimation of the main thermal parameters of a real size solar chimney from outdoordynamic tests

The growing energy consumption for cooling of buildingsis one important concern in Mediterranean countries.Natural ventilation plays an important role as passive energy saving strategy, regarding cooling of buildings in this climate. Solar chimneys are some of the most useful systems that make use of this strategy. But optimised implementation and quantification of the improvements achieved by these systems are required and must be assisted by a comprehensive thermal characterisationof them. However the performance of solarchimneys depends on combined and very complex physical phenomena.

Enhancement of cross-ventilation of a detached house using roof surfaces in densely populated urban areas? Part 2 Numerical investigations about the effects of the roof surface use by CFD

In Part 1, the changes in wind pressure coefficient distributionon the surfaces of the buildings when building coverage is varied are evaluated and identified, and it is elucidated that the ventilation through skylight is effectivebecause the surfacepressure can bekept negativeon roof surfaces even when building coverage is high.In Part 2, the results of numerical simulation (CFD) are compared with the experimental results.

Energy efficient ventilation systems and components in sport facilities

Building industry is often regarded as a mature and traditionalsector, in which the technological development is not so accelerated as in other cases.The increasing costs for electric energy, heating and climatization,the dramatic environmental issues draw the attention of professionals and experts to those technologicalsolutions, components and devices which are going to represent the immediate future of engineering practices.The attention was drawn to a 16 900 m3 sport facility building with 800 seats to be built in the East sector of Rome, one of the districts in which is higher the need

e-EPBD: A distance training tool for the energy performance buildings directive

The scope of the present paper is the presentation of a dynamic and interactive vocational training tool for the implementation of the Directive 2002/91/EC.Certain features of the tool that depend on the existing legislation and restrictions in each country and certain characteristics of the trainees (e.g. profession, scientific background) that influence in a great or in a small extent the training procedure in each case are analyzed.

Distribution of a tracer gas in a naturally ventilated greenhouse. measurements and simulations for pesticides dispersion determination

Numerical and experimental results concerning the emission of a tracer gas (N2O) inside a naturally ventilatedgreenhouse are presented and analyzed. Air sampleswere continuously taken at six points in the greenhouseand in two positions outside the greenhouse using two infrared gas analysers with multiple inlets. The calculationsby the numerical model were done for several wind directions and wind speeds. In each set values for the experiments were used for air speed and direction.

Data driven and fuzzy techniques for wind speed calculation inside urban canyons

Wind speed characteristics in the centre of a city differthan the ones in its suburban. Street canyon effects result in weak airflows in the centre of highly dense citiesbecause of the combination of inertia and gravitationalforces. A huge experimental campaign took place in the centre of Athens in order to create a database of the main parameters that affect wind speed characteristics.Previous studies aimed to calculate wind speed in urban canyons by using deterministic techniques.

Combining cooled soil and natural night ventilation to achieve moderate tempered houses in Andalusia, Spain

In summer 2007 a housing project will be build, reachablewithin 20 minutes by car from Granada. It contains33 single family houses , 21 apartements and 40 dwelling units social housing. The goal of this project is to achieve moderate temperatures withoutelectric equipement during most of the time. Energyuse achieves so called Passivhouse Standard.For this project we have to adapt cooled soil in weight and thickness. Hygrothermal simulations showed the possibility to evaporate under the roof insulation 200 g Water per day and sqm in this climate.

Characterising the use of windows in thermal simulation

The use of windows is a key adaptive opportunity in naturally ventilated buildings especially in summer when the building is likely to be free-running. In these circumstances the use of windows can be on important key to occupants remainingcomfortable, particularly in warm weather. This aspect of buildings is poorly covered in existing thermal simulations in which occupant behaviour is ignored or presented in a very basic fashion. This paper presents an approach to the simulationof window opening behaviour which has been developed from observations of occupant behaviour in UK offices.

Applying the EP label tools for energy certification of buildings in Greece

The primary aim of the EP label project was to develop a methodology for energy benchmarking and certification of buildings, based on Operational Ratings, to address the EPBD Article 7.3 requirement for Public Buildings over 1,000 m to display an Energy Performance Certificate.Within the EP label project, an easy-to-use yet robust system for building owners, occupiers and managers has been developed that produces a provisional energy performancecertificate in advance of national legislative requirements being finalised in each Member State.Energy assessment and certification have been appro
