Performance of ultraviolet photocatalytic for indoor air cleaning applications

A report of an experimental evaluation of an ultraviolet photocatalytic oxidation (UVPCO) device with tungsten oxide modified titanium dioxide (TiO2) as the photocatalyst, is presented in this paper. Conversion efficiencies and clean air delivery rates have been measured for individual VOC components of several indoor relevant mixtures established at realistically low concentration levels. The formation of gas-phase products of incomplete conversion has been then investigated.

Ventilation Effectiveness Criteria and Measurement Methods Applicable to Animal Buildings - A Review

The effectiveness of an animal building’s ventilation system is usually characterized in terms of air exchange capacity (by measuring the air speed) and air distribution (by measuring the inlet air speed and airflow pattern). These parameters are more apt

Evaluating RNG k-e Models Using PIV Data for Airflow in Animal Buildings at Different Ventilation Rates

PIV data were used to evaluate a renormalization group (RNG) k-e turbulence model of airflow in a full-scale test room (5.5 × 3.7 × 2.4 m [18.0 × 12.1 × 7.9 ft]) using FLUENT software. Three typical ventilation cases with ventilation rates of 0.12, 0.26,

Investigation of the buoyancy affected airflow patterns in the enclosure subjected at the different wall temperatures

For this study; air circulation and temperature distribution in a room for a particular location of air inlet and outlet on opposite walls, has been investigated. A two-dimensional, steady, laminar, incompressible flow has been considered.

High-performance schools - High marks for energy efficiency, humidity control, indoor air quality & first cost

This paper is a demonstration of how school facilities can be designed and operated to tally with Ashrae's ventilation, energy and thermal comfort standards while remaiming energy efficient and cost effective.

Performance of domestic ventilation systems: A simulation study

Multi zone computer simulation is used to predict the concentrations of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and water vapour in a flat and detached house, fitted with five different ventilation systems all of which comply with current building regulations for England and Wales. Results show that, understandably, the different ventilation systems produce different spatial and temporal pollutant concentrations. A method based on equivalent ventilation rates for each pollutant is used to optimise the specification of the ventilation systems.

An investigation into parameters affecting an optimum ventilation design of high density cities

For a high density city, given the need to accommodate a fix amount of building volume, what can one do to optimise the benefits of the natural (air) environment? It is hypothesised that in densely built cities, the amount of gaps, permeability and porosity of the cityscape will affect the ventilation / wind environment. Using wind tunnel, experiments are conducted with different amount and positions of gaps of a simplified city layout.

Internal airflow sensitivity in a naturally ventilated atrium subject to variation in external wind conditions

Design guidelines for natural ventilation in buildings normally focus on the potential hourly air change (ACH) rates based on the building space parameters. Critically, external airflow design data is often assumed on the basis of a single mean wind speed and an associated prevailing wind direction. This can result in significant variation in ventilation rates and comfort conditions when non-design external wind conditions prevail.

Exergetic evaluation of high-temperature radiative cooling combined with natural ventilation

This paper describes the possibility of high-temperature radiative cooling combined with natural ventilation. Weset uptwo small wooden experimental buildings:onehas a radiative-cooling system on the ceiling;and the other hasa conventional convective-cooling system.In the room with radiative cooling, we examinedthree patterns of cooling and ventilation: the first is radiative cooling withoutventilation; the second is radiative cooling with natural ventilation; and the third is no radiative cooling but natural ventilation.

Performance of the raised floor heating system with natural ventilation

In Korea, all residential buildings adopt floor- heating systems for indoor thermal comfort. And the ratio of multi-family houses exceeds 50%. Lately problems of noise between floors and contamination of indoor air in multi-family houses emerged as social issue, and performance standards related to noise between floors and ventilation were established in Housing Regulation. Concerning these issues, many systems have been developed.
