Sick building syndrome : indoor pollutants levels and prevalence of symptoms among workers of a sealed office building

The aim of this study was to investigate if work-related symptoms (Sick Building Syndrome SBS), assessed by a standardized questionnaire, could be related to the concentration of the main indoor pollutants, in office workers of a sealed building in a tropical city. For that, 1736 office workers of a 42 storey sealed building were asked to answer the questionnaire.

Investigation of environment and ventilation amount of classrooms at school in Japan

The air contamination has become a problem in Japanese classrooms. The indoor measurement of Formaldehyde and VOC has become compulsory according to the law. A simple method of measurement the constant concentration attenuation method has been used to investigate the ventilation amount in 14 classrooms. CO2 was used as a tracer gas.
The analysis of the relations between ventilation amount and concentration of VOC is presented.

Removal of contaminants released from room surfaces by displacement and mixing ventilation : modeling and validation

Experimental measurements and CFD simulations were carried out to study the contaminant dispersion in a ventilated room with an area source release. A displacement ventilation system and three mixing ventilation systems using a grille, square, and slot diffuser were used. A model was validated to study the effects of airflow and the area source location on the dispersion of the contaminants. The simulation results have been compared to the experimental data, the conclusion are presented.

Numerical and experimental study of velocity and temperature characteristics in a ventilated enclosure with underfloor ventilation

This paper presents an experimental study with numerical predictions of airflow and temperature characteristics. It was conducted in a full size experimental room with different supply jet conditions, heat densities and air distribution methods including the FR (floor return) and the TR (top return) air distribution configuration.

The effect of duct cleaning on perceived work environment and symptoms of office employees in non-problem buildings

The aim of this paper was to study the effect of duct cleaning on the perceived air quality. Duct cleaning was carried out in 10 non-problem Finnish office buildings between 1997 and 2000. Before and after the cleaning, concentrations of particle mass, viable fungal spores and bacteria, TVOC and CO2 were measured in outdoor, indoor and supply air every 6 months. In parallel, a questionnaire about their feeling, was distributed to employees before and after the cleaning.

Rationale for IAQ regulations in Scandinavia - similarities and differences -

This paper considers regulations and standards and compare them about their requirements in ventilation flow rates and IAQ. They can be a helpful tool to handle these requirements and to create buildings with a quality level which satisfies the needs of the users
Scandinavian countries are quite similar in respect of culture, building tradition, climate and so on. So, the difference in ventilation requirements between them should be expected to be small but the results of their comparison show a wide difference.

Ventilation strategies to improve indoor air quality

Increasing ventilation rates do not always improve IAQ, but proper ventilation strategies are the keys to improve it. This paper discusses the impacts of ventilation on IAQ and some ventilation strategies to improve IAQ are proposed : the low-temperature air supply system, DCV (demand control ventilation) system, TSV (task supply ventilation) system.

Effect of natural and forced ventilation systems on decay and deposition rates of particles produced by indoor sources in Indian urban households

The present study determines the particle decay and deposition rates under natural, forced ventilation and no ventilation conditions. It is the first attempt to apply this deternmination to the ventilation conditions existing in Indian urban households.
The study confirms the previous deposition rate observations and most of the values are in the range of the previous reported values.

Simulation-based ventilation system study for chemical laboratory

This paper uses a CFD tool to study indoor air quality in a typical chemical laboratory. The research explores the performance of ceiling-supply mixing ventilation systems and side-wall-supply displacement ventilation with their effects on hood containment.The results of the two systems are presented.

Comparison on indoor thermal environment and energy consumption of large space with sidewall opening and top opening

The indoor thermal environment and energy consumption of large spaces with sidewall openings and top openings has been investigated for that study. A numerical simulation and site measurements were carried out. The results of the comparison of the two openings give the top openings superior for the airflow distribution and the improvement of IAQ.
