Urgently, bio-hazardous air cleaners had been developed in Taiwan hospital to control the Severe Acute Respirator Syndrome (SARS).The building up and the fuming gas decontamination of bio-hazardous air cleaners are illustrated in this paper along with the retrofitting of the HVAC system of respiratory isolation room.
To protect the workers from stress with radiation heat in workshops, a study of the environment thermal state has been carried out. A local air supply to the workplace was provided through an air shower located either above the workplace or close to its floor. Operating measurements of thermal conditions were made along with an evaluation by using the WBGT(wet bulb globe temperature) index.The results of measurements and flow visualization show that the upper air shower is more suitable than the lower one.The optimum local air supply for hot workshops has been designed.
The vortex ventilator (VV) is a new concept of local exhaust ventilation system. In this paper the capture characteristics of the vortex ventilator are evaluated with both respect to the capture efficiency and to the capture velocity.3D CFD simulations are performed along with experiments using the tracer gas method with SF6.Comparison with the simple suction is made. The results of the VV are presented.
In this paper, the numerical methods are first validated by experiments, then a seated computational thermal manikin (CTM) is used to carry out the parameters study of Personalized Ventilation .The modeling outcome shows that in a stagnant environment, the human body is enclosed by the thermal plume and its intensity is affected by the room air temperature.To tear away the thermal plume at the windward side of the human body, a uniform airflow in the horizontal level with a O,2 m/s speed is strong enough.
For that study, experiments are conducted to develop a new breathing ventilator using the concept of alternating-current (AC) ventilation. That ventilator is composed of a reversible fan and a thermal storage medium. In order to obtain the air change efficiency of a room by AC ventilation, numerical simulations are performed .
Pressure coefficients are considered vital components for the calculation of airflow through opening in building.The experimental investigation consisted of a square wind catcher connected to a model test room. At various wind speeds and four different wind directions between 0-45 at interval of 15, the pressure coefficients distribution, the internal air speed and the volumetric airflow were measured.The results obtained using Explicit, AIDA Implicit model and CFX code appeared in adequacy with the experimental results at lower speeds and with wind incidents at angle of 0-15 .
The conflict between the quality of subway environment and energy consumption is becoming more and more serious. For that study, the subway thermal environment simulation software (STESS) has been used for the simulation and prediction of the long-term (month by month) and short term (hour by hour) changes in subway thermal environment.
The relationship between ventilation scheme, thermal simulation scheme with the air conditioning load of each station and the whole year energy consumption of the full line is specially discussed in this paper.
Axial fan ventilation system has been investigated in an automative parts factory, during summer. 54 axial were installed on ceiling. For the estimation of the improvement of working environment of the automotive parts manufacturing factory with the axial fan, the distribution of air velocity and temperature are investigated by experimental method. Besides, the surface temperature of the ceiling and windows is measured by thermal camera to investigate the thermal stratification.
For that study, four ventilation strategies have been evaluated in a typical bedroom in a residential building in Singapore : night-time ventilation only, daytime ventilation only, full day ventilation and no ventilation. The impacts of facade on indoor thermal environment have been analyzed too. The results are presented.