The study about the supply air property of desktop-based task-ambient air conditioning

For that study, a workstation simulating a typical office desk with desktop-based TAC system was established in a Controlled Environment Chamber. The thermal environment created by different properties of supply air and ambient temperature was measured and analyzed.

Indoor environment, thermal comfort and productivity

For that study, a field survey was carried out in a natural ventilation building in Zhenjiang to analyze the relation between indoor environment, thermal comfort and productivity. Their conclusion is that keeping good indoor air quality may be the best way to maintain the higher productivity in factories.

A study of indoor air pollutants and thermal comfort in high school classrooms

The indoor air quality and thermal comfort in a high school classroom in Tianjin, China.was studied in order to provide the students a more comfortable environment. 147 of them were chosen to investigate their thermal comfort in naturally ventilated classrooms. At the same time indoor climate parameters were measured. 89 % of the subjects were satisfied about the indoor air thermal environment. The results were compared to those of other similar field studies.

Der Einfluss der AuBenluftqualität aud die Raumluftqualität - Influence of the outdoor air quality on the indoor air quality -

This article explains the requirements of the new European EN 13779 standard (ventilation for non-residential buildings : Performance requirements for ventilation and room air-conditioning systems) compared to the requirements of the previous German DIN standard (DIN 1946 - Part 2 - ventilation of rooms sanitary requirements) which has been replaced by the EN standard.

Factors affecting human perception of air movement

Human perception of air movement depends , on the one hand , on personal factors such as overall thermal sensation and activity level and on the second hand, on environmental factors including air velocity, air velocity fluctuations and air temperature. In this paper the relation between environmental factors and draught discomfort is described, thanks to the draught model.. The authors have studied several articles to analyse the different factors affecting human perception of air movement.

The evaluation to the influence on indoor heat environment in cold air distribution

The influence of cold air distribution on indoor heat environment was studied in this paper. In an air conditioning system, the air-flow rate can be reduced if the temperature of supplied air is lower than traditional, it allows the reduction of energy consumption. A comparison of the experimental measurements with the theoritical analysis was made.

Effect of air turbulence intensity on convective coefficent in dynamic thermal environment

Airflow has an effect on human thermal sensation but the turbulence intensity is another important factor that is studied in this paper. In that aim two kinds of turbulent flows with constant mean velocity and different turbulence intensity are analysed.The experiment results are presented.

The differences and connections between characteristics of the natural and mechanic wind in built environment

For that study both natural and mechanical wind dynamic characteristics were studied through a mass of experiments in different built environments. For the measurement of the fluctuating velocity of airflow a hot wire anemometer was used. The results show that the dynamic characteristics are obviously different around the air supply opening or with the relatively high mean velocity.

Experimental research on human thermal sensation heat transfer model under sinusoidal airrflow

A dynamic airflow compared with a steady airflow seems to intensify people's cold sensation . One possible reason is a physical factor - the enhancement of heat transfer - : this paper focused on that first possibiity, but the experimental results indicate that there is no increase of the heat transfer coefficient under sinusoidal airflow compared with a steady airfllow with the same mean velocity.

Sensitivity of thermal factors to PMV/PPD in cabins of maritime patrol vessel

This paper focused on the evaluation of thermal comfort in 1,000 ton patrol vessel using PMV (predicted maean vote) and PPD (predicted percentage of dissatisfied). Environmental factors, room temperature and relative humidity were measured in various cabins. It appears necessary to operate a HVAC system controlled by proper thermal factors in each cabin.
