CFD Simulation and study on office thermal environnement

Indoor air quality (IAQ), is one of the key determinants of the acceptability of indoor environments. The computational approach, based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), is used more often than the experimental approach to study IAQ problems . The software Airpak 2.1 is used to simulate air flow organization and thermal comfort of an office. The aim is to facilitate the production of dynamic multifaceted structure that could be used to improve the quality of indoor environments and help maximize the potential of its inhabitants.

A field study of the thermal comfort in residential buildings in Harbin

In the aim of investigating the thermal environment and thermal comfort in residential buildings in Harbin, northeast of China, a field study was performed on a total of 120 participants during the 2000-2001 winter. To collect the measured parameters of the indoor environment, the Predicted Mean Vote and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied, an indoor climate analyzer along with a thermal comfort meter made in Denmark were used . The results are presented.

Effect of a photocatalytic air purifier on perceived indoor air quality

This article deals with the effect of a photocatalytic air purifier on perceived air quality tested in rooms polluted by typical indoor pollution sources. The rooms were ventilated at three different outdoor air supply rates. The results show that the outdoor air supply rate can be supplemented by a photocatalytic air purifier when the indoor air is polluted mainly by building-related sources.

Occupant evaluation of 7-hour exposures in a simulated aircraft cabin - Part 1 : optimum balance between fresh air supply and humidity

Low humidity in the aircraft cabin environment appears to be a possible cause of symptoms experienced during long flights. For that study an aircraft cabin with realistic pollution sources was built inside a climate chamber, it can provide fresh outside air at very low humidity . Four groups of 16-18 subjects were exposed to the four conditions of outside air supply rates. - 1.4, 3.3, 4.7 and 9.4 L/s per person (3, 7, 10 and 20 cfm/p) - yielding average humidity levels of 28%, 16%, 11% and 7% RH, respectively. Results and conclusion are presented.

Perceived indoor environment and sick building syndrome (SBS) in relation to energy saving by seasonally adapted ventilation : a one year intervention study in dwellings

The aim of that study was to observe if a 25-30% reduction of outdoor ventilation flow, during heating season, influenced the perception of the indoor environment. The importance of the combination of technical measurements with a longitudinal evaluation of occupant's reactions is underlined.

Ultra-low energy residences

This article presents the results of a US department of energy's building technologies program whose aim is to create technologies for low-cost-near-zero energy residences equipped with geothermal or dehumidifying heat pump, insulated panels for the walls, roof and floor, solar system. In this paper a comparison between 4 Zero-Energy-Houses and a traditionally built residence is made . Energy use and construction costs are presented.

Association between ventilation and nonspecific building-related symptoms

The aim of the study was to investigate the association between ventilation and the worker’s nonspecific building-related symptoms (BRS) in one office. The study office took place in the sixth floor of one semiconductor company with a floor area of 1452 m

Human response to an individually controlled environment

An individually controlled system (ICS) at room air temperatures of 20, 22 and 26°C has been tested by forty-eight subjects . Human response to a reference condition without the ICS at a room air temperature of 22°C was also collected. The results reveal

Distribution of skin surface temperature of a manikin in the space with displacement ventilation system

The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution of different body parts’ surface temperatures in the space served by displacement ventilation (DV) system. The experiment was conducted in a Field Environmental Chamber in the tropics. The manikin

Measurement and analysis of indoor environment in a high-rise residential building in the hot summer and cold winter region of China

This paper provides on the one hand data for the improvement of indoor environment in existing high-rise residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter region of China, and on the other hand helps for the designing of HVAC system of such buildings.
