Human perception of local air movement and the acceptable air velocity range for local air movement in the tropics

This article deals with the perception of locally applied airflow from personalized ventilation air terminal devices by tropically acclimatized people. During the experiments, 24 subjects (male and female) were exposed to local airflow from the front and towards the face at six air velocities (from 0.3 up to 0.9 m/s), their perception of air movement is similar to that of other humans. Those velocity ranges are relevant for design of personalized ventilation in practice.

Performance evluation and comparison of two air terminal devices for personalized ventilation

Two prototypes of air terminal devices (ATD) for personalized ventilation have been developed for that study : the Circular Perforated Panel (CPP) and the Desktop-mounted Grille (DMG) . They have been tested and their performance with regard to inhaled air quality and cooling effect was compared.

The aircraft seat as indoor air quality and temperature control system

An aircraft seat has been designed and constructed with displacement ventilation in the headrest. Tracer gas experiments revealed contaminant removal efficiencies up to 96% in the breathing zone. Local supply of air near the breathing zone of the passengers minimizes the amount of air, enables some humidification and could give some protection against infectious diseases.
The results of measurements are presented in this paper.

The effects of class-room air temperature and outdoor air supply rate on the performance of school work by children

A field experiment was conducted in two classes of 10-year-old children. Average air temperatures were reduced from by 3 degrees and outdoor air supply rates were increased , each condition lasting a week. 8 different aspects of school tasks were performed during appropriate lessons . Besides the children indicated SBS symptom intensity. This experiment indicates that the improvement of classroom conditions can substantially improve the performance of schoolwork.

Impact of dynamic airflow on human thermal response

Airflow fluctuation is an important factor that affects indoor thermal environment and human thermal response. In this paper, the influence of three kinds of airflows : constant airflow, imitating natural airflow and sinusoidal airflow, on thermal comfort is studied.

Thermal comfort study on vertical air temperature gradient with displacement ventilation system in the tropics

The aim of that study is to explore the influence of vertical air temperature gradient and room air temperature (at 0.6 m height) on overall and local thermal comfort of 30 tropically acclimatized subjects in a room served by Displacement Ventilation (DV) system.

Thermal analysis of climate environments based on weather data in Singapore for naturally ventilated buildings

Thermal performance of climatic environments in Singapore for natural ventilation has been investigated. Weather data have been visually analyzed according to the following parameters : dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and solar radiation . A regression model derived from 538 field survey data for natural ventilation in Singapore has been used for thermal analysis of local climate.
The conclusion of the authors is that comfort indoor environment could be achieved by natural ventilation for residential buildings in Singapore.

Draught free intermittent cooling at moderate over temperatures by generating pulses of high velocities

The need of cooling schools in Scandinavia is only for a short period of time .The ventilation system often cannot provide the necessary cooling without causing draught. So an additional cooling by an internal high velocity system has been introduced that cool people . A downward air stream of five minutes duration is created by that system that blows the rising thermal plume above a person away.

Influence of building factors on thermal environment of natural ventilated buildings in cold zone

In this paper, thanks to the method of numerical simulation, the influence of building factors on indoor thermal environment of natural ventilated building is analysed . It is proved that the rate and the schedule of natural ventilation are very important factors that influence the indoor thermal environment of builidings in cold zone.

Heating thermal comfort in highly air-tight and insulated house

For that study, experiments were carried out to evaluate thermal comfort in highly airtight and insulated rooms, where floor heaters and air-conditioners were installed. Three air temperature conditions were applied for each of airconditioner or floor heating tests.
