Standard 62-2001 Addendum 62n - Single-path multiple-zone system design

The design of "simple" ventilation systems in compliance with Standard 62-2001 Addentum 62n requirements has already been discussed in articles. This paper focuses mainly on the design of a more complex set of ventilation systems, namely single-path multiple-zone recirculating systems.The calculation procedures to reduce both underventilation and unnecessary over-ventilation are clarified and help for determining system ventilation efficiency.

Study on hybrid ventilation systems' work in Latvian climatic conditions

The trial implementation of hybrid ventilation systems in dwelling buildings, done in the scope of the EU LIFE Programme supported project ECOVENTis the aim of that paper. In that end, systems performance have been monitored during full calendar year to show the possibility of that system use in Latvian climate conditions .
The paper gives theoretical working modes of the ideal hybrid ventilation system, describes advantages and drawbacks of the ventilation systems selected for the trial implementation.

Creating healthy and energy-efficient buildings : lessons learned from the HOPE project

Within the European research project HOPE, office and residential buildings were investigated using checklists addressing the building characteristics . the occupants were asked to fulfill questionnaires about their perceived comfort (thermal visual, acoustical and IAQ) and health (SBS and allergies).
The analysis of the collected data, along with experience obtaied from former projects and literature allows the presentation of guidelines for creating healthy and energy-efficient buildings.

Correlations between SBS, perceived comfort, energy use and other building characteristics in European office and residential buildings

Within the European research project HOPE, office and residential buildings were investigated using checklists addressing the building characteristics . the occupants were asked to fulfill questionnaires about their perceived comfort (thermal visual, acoustical and IAQ) and health (SBS and allergies).
The collected data are compared looking for correlations between building characteristics on one hand, and perceived comfort and health on the other hand.

Indoor air quality and occupant satisfaction in five mechanically and four naturally ventilated open-plan office buildings.

This study deals with the indoor air quality in five mechanically ventilated and four naturally ventilated open-plan office buildings in Copenhagen along with their occupants satisfaction. A simplified assessment procedure has been used for that study..
The results indicate that occupants in naturally ventilated offices have a lower prevalence of symptoms and are more satisfied than those in mechanically ventilated offices

Airflow characteristics of cross ventilation through different opening conditions

The aim of that study was to clarify the differences in airflow characteristics outside and at three points in a cross-ventilated room under six opening conditions: window-open; insect-screen; lace-curtain; fabric-curtain; combined condition with insect-screen and lace-curtain; and combined condition with insect-screen, lace-curtain and fabric-curtain. The air velocity was measured by four ultrasonic anemometers, during the summer of 2004. The results obtained are presented.

Information system for indoor air quality field studies

The paper deals with a nation wide field study in dwellings in order to assess household exposure to indoor air pollutants and related risk factors. It has been launched by the Observatory on Indoor Air Quality (OIAQ) . About 700 dwellings were randomly selected for investigation on the main indoor air pollutants.
An information system for indoor air quality field studies, designed for surveyors, laboratories, and project coordinators, has been developed by the CSTB in order to manage the 10 millions records of the whole campaign.

Measurement of ventilation airflow rates of occupied houses by three different methods - measurement results by constant concentration method

Ventilation airflow rate of the occupied houses in the northern region of Japan is the subject of that study. The investigation consisted in the measurement of the ventilation rate using three different methods : the constant concentration method, airflow measurement at inlet/outlet and PFT method.
This paper presents the results of the constant concentration method, obtained with a B&K 1302 multi gas monitor and two B&K 1303 multipoint samplers and dosers., An example for the improvement of the ventilation by increasing the ventilation rate is also presented.

Measurement of ventilation airflow rates of occupied houses by three different methods - comparison between three different methods

Ventilation airflow rate of the occupied houses in the northern region of Japan is the subject of that study. The investigation consisted in the measurement of the ventilation rate using three different methods : the constant concentration method, airflow measurement at inlet/outlet and PFT method.
The results are presented

User perceptions of indoor air quality in a range of large-scale faciilties, with natural and mixed-mode ventilation - field studies in Australia, Germany, New Zealand and Singapore

The results of field studies in which the occupants of eight academic and office buildings, located in New Zealand, Australia, Germany, and Singapore are presented in this paper. The occupants were surveyed about their perceptions of the quality of the air in their premises, using the Probe-type questionnaire.
This paper outlines the occupantsperceptions of a range of air quality issues, as well as their overall comfort, health, and productivity. The results are presented.
