In pharmaceutical laboratory, the discharge of a poisonous gas by the draft chamber with high-speed responsive VAV exhaust device is necessary, but it is then difficult to maintain constant the indoor temperature. The room temperature control characteristics are analysed in that paper using CFD simulations coupled with the zone outlet temperature control simulations.
This paper compares different kinds of supply air jet that produce different air distribution in the same room. Indoor thermal comfort conditions are investigated. Measurements and calculations were made . The results were analyzed and compared to provide some valuable conclusions for application in an air-conditioned room with different kinds of supply outlets..
This paper presents two kinds of ventilation strategies applied respectively to an air-duct-type residential central air conditioning (A/C) system including a variable-speed compressor with inverter and a multi-speed air handler fan. First strategy : the ventilation damper was controlled according to the carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration of space air , allowing intermittent ventilation. Second strategy : outdoor air was inhaled into the habitable space continuously at a fixed minimum flow rate specified by ASHRAE Standard 62.2P.
A three-dimensional mathematical model is described in this paper. It intends to solve the displacement ventilation . The thermal plume and stratification of air in displacement ventilation system are clearly illustrated by numerical results. The results presented can be helpful for a better understanding and designing of this type of ventilation system.
The EPA BASE study is concerned with indoor environmental measurements in 100 U.S. office buildings. In this paper an analysis of the measured outdoor air ventilation rates is presented, it includes comparisons with the requirements in ASHRAE Standard 62
Building design and the operation strategy have an influence on ventilation and Indoor Air Quality . The unique high rise residential building design in Hong Kong is a product that complies with the Building (Planning) Regulation requirements and the request for spatial efficiency from the developers.
This study describes the results of field measurement to evaluate air-conditioning operating method for large-scale atrium. In Part 1, the passive ventilation operating method using the leakages within the outer walls and the stack effect of the high-rise buildings is recommended for the large-scale grand lobby during the intermediate season.
The development of good solutions for the zone separation problem-smoker/non-smoker“-in the same room is possible, and is proven by realized cases. The optimization of the ventilation design and additional necessary means was based on numerical simulation
Thirteen parts of human body’s perspiration in hot and humid environment in summer in Chongqing, located in southwest China, has been tested in the laboratory. We found that human forehead thorax back armpit and haunch were sensitive to the perspiration a
The aim of the project described in this paper is to investigate the effect of indoor air quality and ventilation rates on pupils’ performance and health using psychological tests on the one hand and to recommend suitable ventilation rates for classrooms