In the present study, the horizontal pivot window is replaced by horizontal louvers.A numerical method (CFD) was used to simulate ventilation performance of different louvers depths as well as different wind speed. Air flow was considered, turbulent, steady, and the effects of buoyancy were taken into account. Results are presented
This paper describes some of the principles applied in the CEN standard "Criteria for the indoor environment including thermal environment, indoor air quality (ventilation), light and noise'. , and includes examples that are presented in itThe standard covers all building types but the paper focuses on office buildings, it is subject to change in so far as the international review of the draft standard is in process of writing.
Air filters used in general ventilation are tested in laboratory according to EN 779 standard which has been revised in 2002.The objective of the tests described in EN 779 Annex A is to determine if the efficiency of the filter material is based on the electrostatic effects and to measure the efficiency of the filter before and after these effects have been removed. Results obtained on the occasion of a round robin test decided by EUROVENT /CECOMAF organisation has allowed to assess the discharging procedures proposed in EN 779 Annex A
The Danish Building Research Institute has initiated a 3-phased research programme whose aim is to develop energy-efficient ventilation strategies to provide a healthy and a comfortable indoor climate and to reduce energy consumption . In this article, the second phase of the programme is presented. Investigations were conducted in an almost full-scale apartment built inside a laboratory hall. Two out of four scenarios were investigated, one that complies with current Danish Building Regulations on ventilation, and the other with fully demand-controlled ventilation.
In this paper, an experimental setup .has been used to investigate the indoor environment in the classroom using confluent jet ventilation . Measurements of air speed, air temperature and tracer gas concentrations have been carried out for different thermal conditions along with CFD simulations to provide additional information on the indoor air quality and comfort conditions .Those results have been compared.
For that study passive tracer gas measurements of ventilation were performed in a single-family house and in a flat in Stockholm during four consecutive winter seasons The correlation between ACH and indoor-outside temperature difference is analysed for each dwelling and does not appear good enough for predictive use .The lack of good correlation between ACH and natural driving forces may be due to a highly variable influence from occupant behaviour.
IAQ based demand controlled ventilation (DCV) is the subject of th where CO2 concentration is the subject of that paper where CO2 concentration is used as the controlling index of human produced contamination , and TVOC concentration as the controlling index of building produced contamination.
In this paper , a new index is defined to analyse effectiveness of ventilation systems with different airflow rates CFD simulations are realised with different mechanical exhaust systems in a kitchen. The coupled analysis of this new index and of the airflow rate ratio allows the analysis of the contaminant removal effectiveness while considering the energetic cost of ventilation.
This study examines the effect of building recirculation rates on the concentrations of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) resulting from reactions between indoor limonene and ozone.
HVAC systems in two hotel buildings in Pyongyang have been surveyed from 1997 to 2002 to check the effectiveness of combined mechanical cleaning and duct disinfections against microbial contamination..There were many differences of microbial contamination between the two HVAC systems during 1997-1998. respectively for bacteria and fungi in the air outlet . But they decreased from 45.9 and 28.7 cfu/m3 during 1997-1998 year to 10.3 and 4.5 cfu/m3 during 1999-2002 year