A field campaign lasting June to October 2004 has been organized in the CSTB experimental house MARIA. It aimed at documenting the potential impact of outdoor ozone and NOx on indoor air quality, . Selected new building materials were installed in a test room where ventilation conditions are precisely controlled.Detailed experiments were performed during photochemical pollution episodes , it showed the apparition of ozone-initiated reactions products indoors.
The investigation of the performance of a floor-supply displacement ventilation system with swirl diffusers or perforated panels under a high cooling load situation (90W/m2). Was the objective of this research.Measurements and numerical simulations using a CFD program were carried out to evaluate the performance of the system for a large workshop.That study ranks the impacts of several parameters, such as the air change rate, number of diffusers, and arrangement of exhaust, on the indoor environment
The hybrid ventilation for the independent building has many advantages that are presented in this paper, among them : no recycle ventilation system, reduction of the pollution, energy saving without air quality decreasing.And this type of ventilation system can work with radiant heating (or cooling) .
This paper discusses indoor air quality considerations for office spaces when using VAV system. that provide various supply air rate according to the space loads, especially in multiple spaces, served by a common air handling unit. The ventilation rate procedure and the indoor air quality procedure (the monitoring contaminant concentration method) are used in order to ensure the indoor air quality. A design solution and ventilation control strategy at the fixed outdoor air rate for indoor air quality is provided.
The aim of the project is to study the technical and physical conditions required to ensure satisfactory ventilation in schools with fan assisted natural ventilation . Analyses of the air flows for different combinations of outdoor climates were made. A model was built, the computer calculations with the program PFS and full-scale measurements in school buildings have allowed the study of the performance of the ventilation system in combination with the building. .
A special stategy must be applied to optimize the ventilation rates required in Korean classrooms. The aim of that study was to identify concentration decay by infiltration in a classroom at recess periods and to suggest proper ventilation rate to improve IAQ in the classroom. Classrooms of three schools were evaluated and the results show many interesting aspects of concentration decay patterns affecting door opening at recess period.
For that study , three different ventilation systems for typical single family houses in the Nordic outdoor were compared in order to investigate the resulting energy use and life cycle cost for each of them.The three types of ventilation system are : exhaust ventilation, exhaust and supply ventilation with heat recovery and exhaust ventilation with heat recovery through a heat pump connected to the exhaust air.
This paper covers the cost and benefit issues of a full dual path system to all control zones, including a case study office building in Lincoln, Nebraska. The system has one path that delivers outside air to all control zones. A two-stage heat recovery system is use for the outside air path to achieve as near space neutral temperature supply air to the space at all outside air conditions. The second path is a VAV system with options for continuous running of the system to control space temperature and humidity conditions throughout the summer months.
By means of a comparative study of thermal confort methods for a Brazilian reality using among many others authors Voght and Miller Chagas, Givoni, Fanger-Ashrae, Mahoney, Humphreys, Olgyay, methods, this undergoing study tries to show their particularities for the altitude tropical climate of for the city of So Paulo Brazil. This work intends to show the applicability of each method and point out the differences of acclimatation factors for local population. This theme is particularly important in a country with big variations os latitude and macroclimates as Brazil.
This paper deals with estimated ventilation rates and symptoms in office workers. For that base study the authors used the U.S. EPA data from 100 large U.S. office buildings, and assessed relationships in multivariate models between ventilation/person and lower respiratory and mucous membrane symptoms.
Findings suggest that ventilation rates above current guidelines would reduce symptoms in office workers, and that occupant density may play an unrecognized role in ventilation requirements.