For that study, 1014 pupils from 8 schools were questionned in the aim to study asthma and allergy in relation to diet and the school environment. Most of the classrooms fulfilled the ventilation standard, but despite that, cat, dog and horse allergens were found at high level in most of the classrooms. The authors also found interaction between dietary factors and allergen levels.
Identifying health improvements in the upper and lower airways of office workers was the aim of that experimental field study. The results show that the installation of electrostatic air cleaners reduces the total airborne dust concentration in offices by up to 46 % . That reduction is observable for all particle sizes.
For that study a seated computational thermal manikin (CTM) is used to study the microenvironment around human body with or wihtout personalized ventilation system (PV). The introduction of Pollutant exposure reduction and personalized air utilisation efficiency as new evaluation indices has been made.
The characteristics of the building that has been renoved according to the german standard "pasive house", are presented. A comparison of the energy consumption has been made between the existing building and the renoved one : it is 85 % lower for the renoved building. All the more, the rehabilitation brings comfort for the user, is satisfactory on an ecological point of view and economically optimised.
First the author asserts that the filtration with the help of fiber means is the most widely used technique for the treatment of the particle-pollution. Then he gives a clear and general information about the particle filtration with fiber-filters with their advantages and drawbacks. In conclusion, he precises that it is difficult to forecast the life time of those filters and to know how they behave with nano particles.
In a test cell equipped with an operating table, a medical lamp and a manikin representing the surgeon, air velocity and tracer-gas concentration were automatically measured at more than 700 points. Numerical simulations were performed too for analyzing air quality in operating rooms. The results showed that the distribution of the contaminants depends strongly on the presence of obstacles like medical equipment and staff.
This paper deals with techniques aiming at reducing noise entering into naturally ventilated buildings while reducing airflow path resistance.The description of the combined experimental and theoretical approach is made. A method is suggested to enable the acoustic and airflow performance of apertures for natural ventilation systems to be designed simultaneously.
Reported symptoms from 2000 workers in air-conditioned offices and from 500 workers in natural ventilated buildings have been analyzed using univariate and multiple logistic regression models.The conclusion of that study is that buildings with air conditioning have a higher prevalence of work related upper respiratory symptoms than buildings with natural ventilation though located in tropical country with high relative and absolute humidity rates all around the year.
The deposition rates of particles in a town-house with a forced air circulation and in-duct filters have been calculated for that study. It appears that the use of central forced-air fan along with in-duct filters allows the reduction of particle concentration. And it is more effective than reducing ventilation by closing windows or making homes more insulated.
The author describes how to improve the usual formula to calculate air flow rate through an opened hopper window.Improvements consist in better taking into account the geometry of such windows when estimating their opened area and also in adapting to this type of windows the model used to take into account the influence of wind and of thermal draught.Improved model gives a good comparison with on site measured data from the literature.