The web-based IEQ survey is a tool that helps assess how well a building is performing from the viewpoint of its occupants. It is useful to detect and solve problems, and to rate a building performance.The survey conducted in more than 70 buildings has been widely tested and refined.
Three case studies are presented, demonstrating the different possible applications of the survey : evaluation of the effectiveness of a technology, information of the guidelines for a new comfort standard, benchmarking facility performance.
This paper describes a study of the relationships between indoor environmental factors and individual work performance in a call center. The productivity benefits of ventilation rates appeared small, for the worker performance, only high temperature had a statistically significant negative impact on productivity. But it appears that the degree of understaffing and shift length have an impact on productivity too.
For that study, 60 person have been tested to compare their response to personalized ventilation and mixing ventilation. The benefits presented in human response were obtained with the personalized ventilation system. The results could be improved with a further development of ventilation effectiveness.
For that study an experiment was conducted during 2 months, in a call center : each week 26 operators returned questionnaires recording their environmental perceptions and sick building syndrome symptoms. In parallel, the recording of their average talk-time was monitored every 30 minutes.The results of that study confirm that increasing outdoor air supply rates and replacing used filters with new ones has a positive effect on health, comfort and productivity of workers.
In this study, serial environmental measurements in 12 large buildings in Taiwan have been made to control the air exchange efficiency on the indoor microbial contamination. High levels of airborne microbes seem to be more easily observed in buildings equipped with fan coil unit system than with air handling unit system.
Adequate filtration of fresh air intake should be imperative to control effectively microbial contaminations of outdoor origin.
In this paper the relation between temperature satisfaction ratings and unsolicited complaint rates recorded in a maintenance database is analyzed. That relationship validates a new method of assessing the economic cost of thermal discomfort in commercial buildings.
That study provides data on compared outdoor and indoor concentration levels of ozone and nitrogen oxides in 8 school buildings in France. It also gives information on the parameters that influence the relationship between outdoor and indoor air quality (such as indoor humidity, indoor temperature, building occupancy, airthightness of the building envelope). Results and discussion are presented.
This paper gives the main results of a thesis whose main objective was the comparison of numerical and experimental values of indoor air quality. The tests were carried out at the CSTB . That thesis has permitted to propose an index for the appreciation of the efficiency of the elimination of pollutants.
In this paper the authors in order to reach the objective of a global approach of comfort by a spatial statistical study of the various discomforts, apply a multi-criteria analysis based on ELECTRE II method adapted to the comfort of air-conditioned indoor environment.
First laboratory experiments are presented, the aim is to examine the transient filling of a room of buoyant fluid when a doorway connects the room to a large reservoir of dense fluid. A model of the transient exchange flow is then presented, it is in accordance with the experimental results.
A layer of air, warmer than the exterior must be maintained above a cold layer near the floor to prevent the heat supplied to the room to be lost through the doorway.