Design parameters for the performance assessment of hybrid residential ventilation systems

This paper summarizes the work within the EU RESHYVENT project in regard to design parameters for the performance assessment of hybrid ventilation systems. A framework for performance assessment based on simulation was developed. Performance criteria were defined for air flows, indoor air quality, thermal comfort, acoustics, energy, and emissions.

Demand controlled ventilation applicable for any air tightness level and occupancy ?

The Dutch housing stock consists for about 70% of single family houses with an average N50 of about 7-9 ACH and for 30% of apartments with an average N50 of about 3-4 ACH.New single family houses are much more airtight. In the period 1970 to 2000 the air tightness increased to an N50 of about 3 - 4 ACH. Apartments have nowadays about the same or a slightly better air tightness then before 1970.Another trend is the downward tendency of occupant numbers per dwelling.

Cooling in house in Southern Europe without chillers

COOLHOUSE demonstrates the use of passive cooling techniques in southern regions of Europe which are aimed at giving comfortable summer conditions in domestic scale buildings without using mechanical cooling systems. The project focussed on three sites, a private development of houses for sale in south west Portugal, an old peoples home in south France and a community centre in mid Italy. All are new buildings and were designed to provide cool internal conditions by passive means such as using solar shading and thermal mass, with the addition in all three cases of ground cooling pipes.

Blower door tests (EN 13829) for quality assurance : getting air-tight buildings in retroffiting, too

For retrofitting as well as for new buildings a good airtightness is an important issue. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland about 1000 persons conduct blower door tests according to EN 13829 in order to characterize the air permeability of buildings. Also, preliminary measurements of the air barrier are made, often by the craftsmen themselves. Early measurements allow to repair leakages more easily than when the building is completed.

A Czech demonstration house with hybrid ventilation

An idea to build a demonstration house fitted with a hybrid ventilation system arose when Brno University of Technology joined the RESHYVENT project. There has not been much attention paid to the residential ventilation in the Czech Republic. Window airing and passive stack ventilation are still the most common ways of ventilation in residential buildings. In this context a decision was made to build a house equipped with a demand controlled hybrid ventilation system.

Dampness in buildings and health (DBH) : report from an ongoing epidemiological investigation on the association between indoor environmental factors and health effects among children in Sweden

The aim of this paper is to identify the link between indoor environmental factors and asthma or allergic symptoms among small children and their parents. That four-phases Swedish study will be lasting from 2000 until 2008 : First step : an epidemiological cross-sectional questionnaire on housing and health involving 14,077 preschool children (2000).Second step : a nested case-control study including 198 children with symptoms and 202 healthy controls.

On the history of indoor air quality and health

Main environmental studies are today, outdoor air quality, but not indoor air quality though there is mounting evidence that exposure to IAQ is the cause of excessive morbidity and mortality.Research within the areas of developing countries has had a low priority during the last half century compared with research on ambient air or industrial air.

Effects of temperature and outdoor air supply rate on the performance of call center operators in the tropics

That study was performed in a call center. During nine consecutive weeks, temperature and outdoor air supply rate were combined and introduced to the occupants in a blind intervention approach.Those 2 variables had significant interaction effects on the workers' talk time.

The effects of indoor air quality on performance and productivity

This paper summarizes a series of 10 experiments made in offices in order to quantify the effects of indoor environmental factors on performance. It is possible that those effects of poor indoor air quality, have caused the reduction of performance in office work.
This series is extended to carry out field experiments on air quality in schools.

Sensory pollution sources in buildings

This paper describes how the pollution loads in non-industrial buildings can be quantified by using the olf unit. It also sums up the existing data on the measured sensory pollution loads. Their use seems the most suitable approach for the prediction of ventilation rates required for an acceptable indoor air quality.
