Study of typical meteorological years and their effect on building energy and renewable energy simulations

This paper investigates the generation of typical meteorological years (TMYs) and example weather years (EWYs) for Hong Kong, and studies their effects on the simulation results of the performance of building energy and renewable energy systems, i.e., solar and wind energy systems. According to various methodologies, different TMYs and EWYs were calculated using Hong Kongs weather data from the past 22 years. The results were used for a building energy simulation and for a

Overview of existing guidance and ventilation approaches for control of diesel exhaust inside locomotive facilities

This paper provides an overview of existing guidance, regulations, and design approaches to control diesel exhaust from locomotives operating in buildings. First, design guidance and standards for exposure to major components of diesel exhaust are reviewed. Next, issues regarding engine design, fuel composition, and outdoor emissions control strategies and their potential impact on current and future indoor emissions are discussed. Ventilation approaches that have been implemented in existing facilities are also presented.

Integrated damper and pressure reset for VAV supply air fan control

This paper presents an integrated damper and pressure reset (IDPR) method for variable air volume (VAV) system fan control. The IDPR method controls the static pressure at a minimum required level while maintaining at least one terminal box damper at full open position. When the entire system

Indoor humidity modeling and evaluation of condensation on interior surfaces

In tropical humid climates, moisture and condensation on walls lead to significant damage of buildings. The purpose of this article is to present a numerical model to improve the prediction of internal humidity in buildings. Thermal simulation codes usually evaluate moisture due only to airflow transfers. The model presented takes into account the moisture transfers between walls and air inside a zone. It allows a forecast of the quantities of liquid condensed on a surface. An experimental comparison is presented to appreciate the improvement of the model.

Effect of ventilation system on particle spatial distribution in ventilated rooms

Airborne particulate matter has been implicated as a major contributor to the increased incidence of respiratory disorders among people working in livestock buildings. A clear understanding of particle spatial distribution can provide important information for improvement of ventilation system
design and control strategies. In this study, the dust mass spatial distributions in three different ventilation systems were measured using a multi-point sampler in a full-scale mechanically
ventilated laboratory room under controlled conditions.

CFD-based parametric study of ventilation and diesel exhaust in locomotive facilities

A CFD-based parametric study was carried out for a prototype general exhaust system widely used for ventilation and control of diesel exhaust in large enclosed locomotive facilities. The parameters of fan flow rate, ceiling height, fan spacing, and locomotive position relative to the fan were varied between two values representing the low and high ends of their expected ranges. A set of simulations was set up using factorial experimental theory, which allows variables and interactions having a significant effect on an outcome to be identified.

Calibration and testing of thermal simulation models of air heaters

Detailed measurements of the thermal characteristics of one one-row and one four-row ducted, hydronic air heating coil have been performed. The measurements were made in a carefully designed and produced laboratory setup, capable of creating almost perfect step changes of both water flow rate and supply temperature. The heaters steady-state characteristics were first modeled. The model was then calibrated with a set of measurements by means of parameter estimation. Then a couple of dynamic models, based on the calibrated steadystate models, were tested.

A study on the control methods for the radiant floor heating and cooling system in residential building

When applying the radiant floor cooling system using Ondol - the Korean traditional radiant floor heating system - it is important to select a precise control method to maintain a stable room temperature and floor surface temperature and prevent surface condensation. Therefore, it is necessary to systematize various control methods and to conduct a comparative study of the respective control methods so as to be able to control the radiant floor heating and cooling system efficiently.

A preliminary investigation on the use of ultra-wideband radar for moisture detection in building envelopes

A preliminary investigation has been carried out to determine the potential for using ultra-wideband (UWB) radar to determine the moisture level within building envelopes. Radio waves are affected by moisture content because their reflection from the surface of a material depends upon the dielectric

Indoor air quality of an energy-efficient, healthy house with mechanically induced fresh air

Issues associated with indoor air quality (IAQ) and its impact on occupant health have prompted research into the design and construction of healthy houses. Most of the houses constructed have been upscale housing. An affordable, energy-efficient, healthy house was built at Tuskegee
