Temperature and relative humidity conditions at museums

This paper deals with the results of a research carried out at Conservation institutions and based on a bibliographic study.

Naturally ventilated rooms : use of the ventilability chart for design and energy saving purposes

In this paper "the ventilability chart" concept is presented and the methodology for drawing it for whatever space is illustrated: its aim is to check the effectiveness of natural ventilation in ensuring comfort levels related to the indoor air quality.Three case studies of calculation of air exchanges by naturally ventilation in typical office room are presented.Through the ventilability charts here proposed, it is possible to determine the conditions under which natural ventilation can be properly used instead of mechanical ventilation.

Interior air quality, energy and productivity

Fresh air has a very important role in indoor air quality.This study aims at quantifying the costs and the gains of an increase of the ventilation rate, in an office building. Results show that a big increase of the ventilation rate leads to an increase of the installation costs, but to no change of the energy costs. The additional costs may be paid back quickly due to the productivity improvement.

A gravimetric measurement method for ventilation cleanliness, before and after cleaning. Description and application.

The cleaning of HVAC systems aims at removing contaminants and re-establishing the function of the system of ventilation.A measurement method for ventilation cleanliness is discussed in this paper. It is based on measuring the dust deposits inside ducts. Comparison of that HVAC cleanliness method is made with others.

HVAC systems energy comparison for an office building

The use of different HVAC system types for office buildings has been analysed within the European funded project EECCAC. This paper presents comments on 7 analysed HVAC system types.Energy performance and consumption are studied in depth (electric equipment, lighting, cooling, heating, fans and pumps)

Développements d'outils d'études dynamiques en thermique du bâtiment Developments of tools for dynamic studies of thermal behaviour in buildings

Three software tools CODYBA (version 6.3), XCUBE and CODYMUR are presented in this paper : - CODYBA for the study of the thermal behaviour of a multizone building with an example of simulation of a building in Seville - XCube for the study of 3D thermal bridges coefficients of the building with examples of application- CODYMUR, for the survey of the thermal behaviour of a partition; that tool makes the inertia phenomenom quickly understood.

Re-commissioning of the CAMET HVAC System: a successful case study

This paper after its first chapter about commissioning, presents the methodology used in the first re-commissioning phase of the CAMET HVAC system, with its principles and facts.Commissioning is a unique opportunity, for all partners concerned, to learn a lot about the realbehavior of a HVAC system and to restore people's confidence in air conditioning.

Indoor air pollution in urban buildings. A real threat for most of the world population

In developed countries, the concentrations of indoor pollutants are very similar to those outdoors. 3 basic strategies are proposed to reduce occupant exposure to indoor contaminants : 1. Building air tightening and pressure management2. Ventilation and air filtration3. Contaminant removalIn poor countries, the use of advanced ventilation and filtration techniques is not feasible at all, natural ventilation may be one of the more effective solutions

IQ-Test - Improving quality in testing and evaluation of solar and thermal characteristics of building components

IQ-Test is a Thematic Network supported by the European Community under the EESD Programme.The objective of IQ-TEST is to further develop common quality procedures for the PASSYS/PASLINK test cell facilities that exist in 12 European countries. This should consolidate thenetwork, integrate the new test sites and strengthen its common approach of support for new product developments in the field of innovative building components.Round robin tests are underway to assess both the inter-site quality of testing and analytical procedures of the participants.

Dezentrale Lüftungsanlagen im praktischen Einsatz Decentralized ventilation systems in practice

The first part of this article insists on the importance of a good ventilation system (polluted air exhaust, humidity, filtration, VOCs exhaust). The second part deals with a test house, equipped with either decentralized or centralized ventilation system. CO2 and ventilation rate measurements being compared, the validation of a model for the determination of the indoor CO2 concentration levels in one room of the house has been made.
