Study of the effects of essential oils on microbes present in ventilation systems

Many studies have shown that ventilation systems often host bacteria and fungi that may bedangerous for the health of people exposed to them. This problem may be particularly acute inhospitals, where exposed people are more sensitive. The paper presents the methodologydeveloped to study the effectiveness of some plants extract, the essential oils to hindermicrobial growth, in order to propose an indoor air purification method based on thegermicidal and odorant properties of the essential oils. First results are encouraging.

Indoor air climate and microbiological contamination in dental clinics

The use of high-speed rotary and spray-producing instruments can pose a serious risk indental clinics, by continuously creating a potential harmful contamination of the room. Indoorclimate parameters (temperature, relative humidity) and microbiological airbornecontamination (total bacterial count at 37C, fungal particles) were evaluated in 12 privatedental clinics, partially equipped with air conditioning systems. Carbon dioxide airconcentrations were also measured to evaluate the efficacy of air exchange. Air microbialcounts were highest in the consulting rooms and waiting rooms.

The medical relevance of methods to sample indoor air microbial pollution

The aim of the investigation was to evaluate different methods to sample microbial cell wallagents (MCWA) indoors and to relate the results to clinical markers of inflammation amongpersons (n = 27), living in houses with suspected mould problems. Airborne particles weresampled for 8 h or by agitating floor dust. Sedimented particles were collected from floor dust.Analysis was done for endotoxin and (1?3)--D-glucan. Endotoxin was found only in a few ofthe agitated floor dust samples.

Are microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) useful predictors for a hidden mould damage?

Laboratory trials were performed in order to search for the variety of the production ofmicrobial volatile organic compounds (MVOC), which could be used as indicators for hiddenmould damage. Concerning the MVOC production the experiments showed a dependency onthe building materials used as substrate and on the genus or species. It could be proved thatthe production of certain MVOC is not consistent at all times. On the whole low emissionrates in terms of g h-1 of the MVOC were found.

Home characteristics are associated with indoor microbial exposures in subtropical homes

Research has suggested associations between indoor microbial exposures and respiratorydiseases across the globe. This aim of this study was to examine whether microbe levels wereassociated with housing characteristics. Study homes were selected from a prior citywidesurvey, and housing characteristic questionnaires were distributed afterwards. Airborne fungi,bacteria and dust samples were collected. Samplings were conducted every month for a year.Having pets at homes and age of the house were found to affect the indoor concentrations ofDer p 1 and Der p 2.

A comparative study of qualitative sampling methods for the analysis of the indoor air moulds

Accurate and informative sampling methods are very important in the evaluation of fungalexposure in indoor air quality (IAQ) investigations. We have investigated the relationshipbetween indoor culturable airborne and dust-borne fungi and compared the performance ofculturable and non-culturable air samplersReuter Centrifugal Air Sampler (RCS) and ZefonAi-O-CellTM (AOC).

Biohygrothermal method for the prediction of mould growth: procedure and health aspects

In buildings growing conditions for mould fungi can occur and cause fungus infestation. Thepossible danger for the occupants of dwellings lies in the production and spreading ofpathogens (disease causing agents). Therefore, consequent measures have to be taken to avoidhealth dangers that result from mould fungi in buildings. A strategy has to be set up thatfocuses on the growth conditions for mould fungi and also considers the complex transientprocesses of building physics.

Development of novel air purification technology using ions generated by discharge plasma: (ii) inactivation of influenza virus in air

Novel indoor air purification technology using ions generated by discharge plasma has beendeveloped. The effect of ions on airborne influenza virus has been investigated by the plaquemethod using MDCK cells and the hemagglutination test. It has been discovered that theseions can inactivate influenza virus in air world first. The infection rate of influenza virus toMDCK cells has been drastically reduced with the use of ions generated by the developeddevice. Furthermore the efficacy tests of these ions for polio virus and coxsackie virus havebeen performed.

Development of novel air purification technology using ions generated by discharge plasma: (i) physical background and biological effect on indoor air quality

A novel indoor air purification technology using ions generated by discharge plasma hasbeen developed. With the application of AC voltage between electrodes, dischargeplasma has been occurred and positively charged ions and negatively charged ions havebeen generated at atmospheric pressure. The chemical compositions of the ions have beenclarified to H + (H2O)m and O2 (H2O)n by time-of-flight mass spectroscopy.Bacteriostatic and fungistatic effects of these ions have been investigated.

Fungal index in dwelling environments

Microclimates in moisture chambers and environment in houses were evaluated using afungal index. The index was calculated from the growth rate of a sensor fungus in a test piece,fungal detector, during an exposure period to the test environment. In the constant climates inthe moisture chambers, higher indices were obtained at higher relative humidity. In the roomswith higher fungal indices, the densities of airborne fungi were higher, indicating arelationship between the index and fungal contamination.
