Energy savings potentials in air conditioning of industrial buildings Einsparpotentiale bei des Klimatisierung von Industriehallen

Using results from dynamic simulations, the article compares the energy consumption for the air conditioning of an industrial building with mixing and displacement ventilation.

Optimal selection and position of swirl air diffusers Dralldurchlässe optimal dimensionieren und anordnen

The author points out the importance of a good selection of the dimensions of swirl air diffusers, using data provided by the manufacturers. It also gives information about the method for deciding of their number and position in the room.

Effectiveness of local supply ventilation in improving worker zone air quality in swine confinement buildings - A pilot study -

This research evaluated the effectiveness of local supply ventilation in controlling air quality at or near workers’ breathing zones in livestock confinement buildings. Commercially available ceiling (box-type) diffusers and local supply ventilation syste

Ground heat exchangers Erd-Luft-Wärmetauscher

Describes the principle of ground heat exchangers for outside fresh air, giving indications about their design rules and their energy performance, as well as recommendations for their hygienic operation.

Floor heating and displacement ventilation

A question raised about displacement ventilation, is whether floor heating can be utilised without disturbing the thermal stratification in the room. See Figure 1.Q?Figure 1 Too much floor heating may destroy displacement ventilationThis paper deals with the possibilities and limitations to floor heating with displacement ventilation. This paper shows that floor heating can be utilised with displacement ventilation for both industrial and non-industrial premises for normal airflow rates and normal floor heating rates.

Results of the Berlin-Riga pilot project on the increasing of energy consumption efficiency in multi apartment houses

This article provides information on the characteristic heat-related data of the enclosing constructions of the existing multi-apartment houses in Latvia as well as those of the sanitation systems in these houses.Monitoring of the heat energy consumption has been conducted in order to determine energy consumption over one-year period in a renovated nine-storey multi-apartment house of the 602 series design. The results obtained through monitoring have been compared with those of the heat energy consumption in an analogous reference house.

Cooling performance of ground-coupled air intake ducts

This paper presents temperature and airflow measurements proving that ground-coupled fresh air intake ducts can have a significant cooling effect. Measurements at two Norwegian schools with such ducts, Jaer School and Medi School, show that the actual cooling performance after a three-day warm period is about 100 Wh/m2 of exposed concrete surface in the duct, with air velocity passing the surfaces of about 0.15 m/s. Our calculations indicate that this can rise to at least 200 Wh/m2 by increasing the air flow rate during the night.

Indoor environments, health and well-being in cold climate

Basic requirements for healthy environments were well established before 1850 and implemented during the next 100 years as a vital condition for the remarkable improvements of general health and living standard in our welfare states.It is sad to observe that so much knowledge and wisdom seems to have evaporated during the last 50 years !

State of the art low energy office building in Norway

This paper shows that well proved state-of-the-art technology can be utilized to keep annual average energy consumption in office buildings below 130 kWh/m2, which is well below today's average, without compromising any major functional or architectural concepts of modern design. The Norwegian building regulations, which were revised in 1997, demand calculation of energy consumption for new buildings. However, the minimum requirements to energy consumption can even be satisfied with a modest degree of insulation or high internal loads.

Office cooling with air or with chilled beams from an energy perspective

Even in cold climates, offices normally need to be cooled due to the internal heat loads from people, equipment and lighting. Either a chilled ceiling or chilled beams with cooled water as medium or chilled air can be used. In the case with chilled ceiling or chilled beams, a constant air volume system (CAV) is used. In the case of air only, a variable air volume (VAV) system must be used. This paper presents the advantages of the two methods of cooling with respect to energy use, which was calculated from climate data.
