Infiltration and natural ventilation model for whole building energy simulation of residential buildings

The infiltration term in the building energy balance equation is one of the least understood and most difficult to model. For many residential buildings, which have an energy performance dominated by the envelope, it can be one of the most important terms. There are numerous airflow models;
however, these are not combined with whole building energy simulation programs that are in common use in North America. This paper describes a simple multizone nodal airflow model

Toward external coupling of building energy and airflow modeling programs

This paper presents the objectives and results of the initial stage of an ongoing research project on coupling of building energy simulation (BES), airflow network (AFN), and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) programs. The objective of the research underlying this paper is to develop and verify a prototype cooperative BES, AFN, and CFD design environment for optimization of building energy performance and indoor environment.

Integration of airflow and energy simulation using CONTAM and TRNSYS

The impact of infiltration and ventilation flows on energy use in commercial buildings has received limited attention. One of the reasons for this lack of study is that the commonly used programs for estimating the energy use of buildings do not incorporate the interzonal airflow modeling techniques
required to adequately account for the effect of these factors on energy usage. To address this issue and provide insight into the impact of these flows, the CONTAM airflow modeling tool

An adaptive conflation between CFD and thermal simulation for modeling indoor airflow and convective heat transfer at internal building surfaces

A adaptive controller was devised and implemented within the ESP-r simulation program to support the conflation of CFD with dynamic whole building thermal simulation. This controller manages all interactions between the coupled thermal and CFD modeling domains. It employs a quasi-steadystate modeling approach, wherein the separate CFD and thermal modeling domains operate in tandem and exchange information at their model domain boundaries on a per-time-step basis. A double-pass modeling approach is employed.

Application of control charts for detecting faults in Variable-Air-Volume boxes

This paper describes a fault detection method developed for application to variable-air-volume (VAV) boxes. VPACC (VAV Box Performance Assessment Control Charts) is a fault detection tool that uses a small number of control charts to assess the performance of VAV boxes. The underlying
approach, while developed for a specific type of equipment and control sequence, is general in nature and can be adapted to other types of VAV boxes. VPACC has been tested using emulation,

Energy conservation benefits of a dedicated outdoor air system with parallell sensible cooling by ceiling radiant panels

Dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) integrated with ceiling radiant cooling panels as a parallel sensible cooling system are being considered as an alternative to conventional variable air volume (VAV) systems for commercial buildings because of their energy conservation, first and operating costs, and indoor air quality advantages. A pilot DOAS/radiant panel cooling system is being constructed on a university campus to investigate its advantages over alternative cooling systems in

Comparison of air exchange efficiency and contaminant removal effectiveness as IAQ indices

Recently indoor air quality (IAQ) became an important issue and as a result researchers have developed a large number of different air quality indicators. This study focuses on air exchange efficiency (ea) and contaminant removal effectiveness (e) as suitable indicators for use in design and on-site measurements. These two IAQ indicators were numerically studied and compared for five typical indoor spaces with different ventilation strategies and contaminant sources. Overall,

Development of a stereoscopic particle image velocimetry system for full-scale room airflow studies, Part 2 : experimental setup

Based on the algorithms of the stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (SPIV) we have developed, two digital cameras in an angular oriented configuration were used to simultaneously record two images of the same space of interest in a full-scale room. The room was seeded with helium-filled soap bubbles of neutral buoyancy. The 5.5 3.7 2.4 m (W D H) test room, which is used to simulate and monitor indoor air environment, was constructed within a large air-conditioned room

Using large eddy simulation to study airflows in and around buildings

This investigation uses three subgrid-scale models of large eddy simulation (LES) to study airflows in and around buildings. They are the Smagorinsky model, a filtered dynamic subgrid-scale model, and a stimulated small-scale subgridscale model. For outdoor airflow that is highly turbulent, the simple Smagorinsky model is sufficient. For indoor airflow where laminar flow can be as important as turbulent flow, the filtered dynamic subgrid-scale model and the stimulated small-scale subgrid-scale model are recommended.

Performance test results for large coupled indoor/outdoor environmental simulator (C-I/O-ES)

This paper provides a summary of the methods and results of performance testing for a coupled Indoor/Outdoor Environmental Simulator (C-I/O-ES). The simulator consists of an IEQ chamber, a climate chamber, and a replaceable separation/test wall assembly. Both chambers have stainless steel interior surfaces and are equipped with independent heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems for simulating indoor and outdoor thermal and air quality conditions, respectively.
