Ventilation systems in residential buildings. Energy effects of ventilation systems in residential buildings. Luftungssysteme im Wohnungsbau. Energetische Auswirkungen von Luftungssystemen im Wohnungsbau.

A comparison of various ventilation strategies and their effect on air infiltration using a pair of experimental single family size houses. Discusses natural ventilation with and without ventilation grilles in the windows, centralized and decentralized mechanical ventilation. Concludes that mechanical ventilation is not economic at present energy prices.

The significance of air infiltration. Bedeutung des Luftaustausches

Notes that air infiltration in buildings affects the room air quality and the occupants, the building construction in connection with moisture exchange processes and the heating and cooling loads. Lists papers dealing with typical aspects of air infiltration and/or buildings which are too well sealed. Defines basic concepts relating to air infiltration and ventilation in buildings to promote constructive discussions between concerned professionals. Examines the consequences of uncontrolled air infiltration. Treats research and development work relating to controlled air infiltration.

The IEA project on minimum ventilation rates. IEA-Projekt 'Minimale Luftungsraten'

The minimum fresh air requirements needed for perfect indoor air quality are being studied and these will form the basis of the Swiss Guidelines for Ventilation. An optimization between the need to reduce heat loss and fresh air requirements for health is the aim. Pollutants in indoor air, such as formaldehydes, radon, carbon dioxide, tobacco smoke, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and particulates, have to be considered.

Measurement techniques for air change and air penetration of residential buildings Messmethoden zur Erfassung des Luftwechsels und der Luftdurchlassigkeit von Wohnbauten.

Defines air change and air penetration. Describes the differential pressure method, the infrasound method, qualitative judgement methods, and acoustic measurement devices for determining air penetration. Explains procedures todetermine air change - the rate of decay method, the constant concentration method, and the constant emission method.

Radon in Swiss housing. Radon in Wohnraumen in der Schweiz

Describes the aims, methods and results of a preliminary study into radon in Swiss house carried out 1981/82. In the winter of 1981/82 three Karlsruhe type passive radon dosimeters were exposed in each of 123 dwellings in selected regions of Switzerland and the results evaluated in summer 1982. Thedosimeters were normally placed in the cellar, living room and a bedroom. Gives figures for the average radon concentrations in the rooms. Notes marked regional differences caused by different geological formations.

Comparison of ventilation systems in unoccupied test houses Vergleich von Luftungssystemen in unbewohnten Versuchshausern

A report from the research and development programme Domestic Ventilation is presented. Describes quantitative and qualitative experimental investigations in two flexible test houses of identical size, structure and thermal insulation to compare various ventilation installations and devices under natural weather conditions. The comparative criteria were air infiltration rates and air change, ventilation heat losses, operational behaviour, possible requirement of auxiliary energy, problems and weak points.

Comfort in dwellings and workplace. Behagliches klima in Wohnund Arbeitraumen.

States that although the conditions for a comfortable climate are well known - especially temperature and air humidity - increased concern with energy conservation means it is important to discover what effect energy conserving measures have on the health,well-being and efficiency of people. Pressing questions are - how far can room temperature be lowered without affecting comfort and how is room air quality affected by a lower air change rate or a reduced fresh air supply. Summarises recommended room temperatures for various levels of activity.

CO2 content as the command variable. CO2 Gehalt als Fuhrungsgrosse.

Describes a simple device developed in the Institute for Applied Physics which is suitable for frrsh air control in air conditioned spaces. The protype instrument detects the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere on the basis of photoacoustics. Illustrates the device schematically and explains its operation.
