AIVC 2019 Conference-Call for Abstracts

The 40th AIVC Conference  “From Energy crisis to sustainable indoor climate – 40 years of AIVC" will be held during the 15th & 16th of October, 2019 at ‘Het Pand’, the congress centre of Ghent University in Ghent, Belgium. It will be a joint event combined with the 8th TightVent and the 6th venticool conferences.


venticool newsletter issue #13 – December 2018 now available

The 13th issue of the venticool newsletter is now available! Specific contents include:


Feedback from the AIVC 2018 conference

More than 200 participants attended the joint 39th AIVC – 7th TightVent – 5th venticool conference held in Juan-Les-Pins, France on September 18-19, 2018. The programme consisted of 3 parallel sessions with contributions from 27 countries and international organisations. Around 150 presentations were given covering the main conference topics namely: Smart Ventilation, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Health relationships; Ventilation and (building) Airtightness; Ventilative cooling – Resilient cooling.


TightVent newsletter issue #15 – November 2018 now available

The 15th issue of the TightVent newsletter is now available! Specific contents include:


Feedback from the AIVC 2018 conference

More than 200 participants attended the joint 39th AIVC – 7th TightVent – 5th venticool conference held in Juan-Les-Pins, France on September 18-19, 2018. The programme consisted of 3 parallel sessions with contributions from 27 countries and international organisations. Around 150 presentations were given covering the main conference topics namely: Smart Ventilation, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Health relationships,;Ventilation and (building) Airtightness; Ventilative cooling – Resilient cooling.


IEA EBC News, November 2018 now available

The latest issue of the International Energy Agency's Energy in Buildings and Communities (IEA-EBC) Programme newsletter has just been released.

The November 2018 edition features articles on:


39th AIVC Conference evaluation results available!

The evaluation questionnaire of the 39th AIVC conference: “Smart Ventilation for buildings” was sent out to 207 attendees of the event. The summary of the main outcomes listed below, result from the feedback of 99 participants who filled in the evaluation form.

General outcomes:


AIVC 2019 Conference-Call for Abstracts & Topical Sessions

We are pleased to announce that the AIVC 2019 Conference “From Energy crisis to sustainable indoor climate – 40 years of AIVC" is now accepting abstracts & proposals for topical sessions. The Conference will be held during 15-16 October, 2019 at ‘Het Pand’, the congress centre of Ghent University in Ghent, Belgium.

The conference programme will include well‐prepared and structured sessions focused on the conference topics, invited speakers, long and short oral presentations arising from the call, as well as 90 seconds industry presentations.


AIVC 2018 Conference Programme available!

The final programme for the joint 39th AIVC, 7th TightVent –& 5th venticool conference “Smart ventilation for buildings” to be held on 18 and 19 September 2018 in Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France is now available.

The conference will consist of 3 parallel tracks devoted to: Smart ventilation, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Health relationships, Ventilation and Airtightness and, Ventilative cooling – Resilient cooling, including 115 presentations from the call for papers and presentations on invitation.


AIVC Newsletter issue #14 – September 2018 now available

The September issue of the AIVC newsletter has just been released.

Contents include:

