Results of recent weatherization retrofit projects.

Descibes tests conducted by the Pacific Gas and Electric (PGE) and the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) to evaluate cost effectiveness of certain retrofits. 20 houses in Walnut Creek CA underwent an air infiltration reduction program, simi

Methods for estimating potential energy saving at a national level based on calculations for existing buildings.

Discusses the second natural energy conservation program in Sweden implemented in 1980. This sets out to estimate the national energy saving potential, with special reference to existing housing. A refined method for calculation of energy sa

Results of the Bonneville Power Administration weatherization and tightening projects at the Midway Substation residential community.

Describes a project carried out by the Bonneville Power Administration where 18 houses at its Midway substation in central Washington were retrofitted and the results monitored for a 3 year period. The houses were divided into 3 groups. During

Energy saving measures in the area of ventilation. Energiebesparande atgarder inom ventilationsomradet.

Explains possibilities of saving energy in the area of ventilation. Summarises fundamental theories for calculating air flow through building leaks, ventilators and fan systems which are put in their total context - wind, temperature, air leakage, intentional ventilation, building technology, energy requirements. Treats factors which influence ventilation requirements. Compares results from field studies of actual air change rates with the requirements of Swedish Building Standard 1980.

Indoor air quality.

Completed studies indicate that emissions from indoor sources, including those from unvented gas appliances, do not cause any undesirable effects in buildings with normal ventilation rates. However, recent energy conservation measures aimed at reducing ventilation rates have increased the problem of indoor pollutant levels, and there is a need for new, more detailed data on the indoor environment. Describes a programme initiated by GRI to collect such data and to develop control techniques for indoor pollutants.

Good indoor climate with up-to-date ventilation system. Godt indeklima med tidssvarende ventilationslag.

Briefly describes the new DIF standard for ventilation plants and the Danish standard DS 447. Discusses the relationship between heating and ventilation. Mentions heat recovery and problems encountered in ventilating swimming halls.

A CO2-controlled ventilation system.

Describes a system installed in the EKONO office building in Helsinki which allows the amount of CO2 in the exhaust air to control the ventilation rate. Uses a CO2 indicator, and adjusts the mixture of exterior and recirculated air so that the amount of CO2 during working hours is kept on ca 700 ppm. Describes use of equipment during winter 1981-82, when exterior air flow is registered. Measures the proportion of CO2 locally in order to study occasional variations that may occur. Studies the proportion of other pollutants in the room air with a gas chromatograph.

Distribution of wind and temperature-induced pressure differences across the walls of a twenty-storey compartmentalised building.

Makes an experimental investigation of the distribution of pressure differences across the walls of a 20-storey student residence building at the University of Ottawa. Measures the wind velocity at the test building as well as the temperature distributions both inside and outside the building.
