Indoor air pollution -characterization, prediction and control.

Explores the health implications, external and internal contributions, and the measurement of indoor air pollution including such subjects as sampling and analysis, calibration, time scale and interferences. Outlines the current status of prediction techniques, including areas such as one-compartment models, infiltration estimation, and empirical models. Summarizes the most common control methods. Examines, in detail, the application of modelling techniques to several typical indoor settings, for example, a restaurant, kitchen or a conference room with smokers.

Evaluation of existing programs for simulation of residential building energy use.

Carries out a review and evaluation of residential building energy analysis programs in 6 steps - 1. Survey of the experience and needs of electric and gas utilities in residential building energy analysis 2. Identification of currently available programs for residential energy use analysis 3. Examination and summary of intended capabilities of 10 programs 4. In depth analysis of the engineering bases of 5 programs (DOE 2.1, ENCORE-CANADA, HEAP, REAP and TRYNSIS) 5. Tests of these 5 programs 6.

Condensation in insulated domestic roofs.

Describes the types of damage that condensation can cause in a domestic pitched roof with insulation, and outlines the design options available to reduce the risk of condensation. Most of the water vapour comes from within the house, both by movement of air through gaps in the ceiling and by diffusion through the plasterboard. The type of damage depends on the structure of the roof. If there is a non-absorbent lining, water can condense on it and subsequently run or drip on to the timbers and ceilings. Absorbent linings are then wetted and may rot.

Insulating shutters.

Double-glazed windows are poor insulators, with regard to both thermal and acoustic properties. Reports on study of insulated shutters for windows, sponsored by the SCBR and the National Swedish Board for Technical Development. Estimates that the energy loss through such shutters combined with a double-glazed window is about 0.7 w/m2K (compared to 3 to 4 for the window alone) and noise transmission can be cut by 15 to 20 db. Calculates that each square metre of shutter area could save an average of about 300 KWh per year in Sweden.

Computer program for calculating natural ventilation. Programmi per il calcolo della ventilazione naturale.

In the calculation of natural ventilation systems there is a lot of data which is not dependent on the ambient weather conditions. Data calculated by project engineers include geometrical size of the building; effective vertical distance between inlets and outlets; indoor loads/heat, moisture, fouling gases; interior climate requirements, relative humidity, density of air etc.Some of these factors are not changeable after the completion of the building, but there are some which could or need to be changed.

Continuous or intermittent ventilation? A discussion of the best type of window ventilation. Dauerluftung oder stossluftung? Ein Beitrage Zur Frage nach der besten Art der Fensterluftung.

Examines by means of analytically calculable borderline cases the relative merits of continuous window ventilation or intermittent opening of windows. Illustrates the results relating to carbon dioxide content of the rooms ingraphs and discusses them. Findings depend strongly on the hygiene assumptions by which they are judged (identical maximum or identical mean CO2 concentrations or the identical mean air flow rate).

Levels of energy monitoring in houses.

Describes improvements made in the monitoring of energy consumption in housing in the past decade. Covers the highly instrumented townhouses monitoring of Twin Rivers in the early 1970's, using more than 50 channels of data recording, with appropriate sensors. This has led to simpler systems used to evaluate energy savings following retrofits. In 1977-78, 3-channel utility demand recorders were upgraded to a 12 channel capability, and this worked successfully on more than 30 townhouses.

Ventilation of mill buildings - new directions.

Natural ventilation of mill buildings is a process which is complicated by several factors such as external wind pressure and local distribution of heat sources. Describes theoretical and small-scale physical modelling techniques for predicting ventilation rates. The theoretical approach using a computer for the numerical aspects allows rapid and reliable assessment of the ventilation rates for very complicated building designs under any appropriate wind conditions.

HOTCAN - A computer program for estimating the space heating requirements of residences.

Lists the HOTCAN computer program devised for use in the Division of Building Research (NRC) program on low energy houses. It is written in BASIC and is capable of estimating the space heating requirements of residences. Gives basic equations and assumptions, and weather data required, along with a listing of the program and a sample run.

Industrial ventilation - a review and update.

Reviews technical progress being made in the industrial ventilation field by different investigators through out the world. Subjects reviewed and updated include natural ventilation, local exhaust ventilation, specialised ventilation techniques (dilution, air jets, air curtains, recirculation of filtered air, tracers for ventilation studies) and mine ventilation. Presents typical applications of the new technology to solving industrial ventilation problems, and identifies areas requiring further research and development.
