The influence of ventilation on indoor/outdoor air contaminants in an office building.

Studies a modern energy efficient office building in a series of experiments with mobile laboratories connected on-line with the building. Measures inorganic air contaminants (CO, CO2, NO2). Makes off-line measurements of volatile organic con

Cave climate: assesment of airflow and ventilation.

Examines airflow in the Glowworm cave of New Zealand using conventional methods together with experimental procedures using SF6 and CCL2F2 tracer gases. Results show that the rate and direction of airflow are a direct response to a thermally

Heat-saving vents - are they the solution to indoor pollution?

Briefly reviews different types of air-to-air heat exchangers, and their relative efficiency. Discusses their effectiveness in removing indoor pollutants such as radon and formaldehyde from tight houses.

Low-infiltration housing in Rochester New York-A study of air-exchange rates and indoor air quality.

Studies a sample of 58 occupied homes in Rochester NY to assess 1. the effectiveness of construction techniques designed to reduce air leakage 2. the indoor air quality and air-exchange rates in selected airtight houses and 3. the impact on

Measurement of local airtightness in buildings.

Decribes the "collector chamber" method, where a room or whole building is pressurised and the air leaking through the target areas is collected with apressure compensated chamber to a measurement device.

Manual method for calculating the energy requirements of buildings. Manuell metode for beregning av energiforbruk i boliger.

Describes a simple manual method for providing a rough calculation of the likely energy requirements of a building at an early stage in the project, before the detailed information required by established computer programs can be provided.

Domestic ventilation research programme. Forschungsprogramm luftung im wohnungsbau.

Treats the research programme initiated by the Ministry of Research and Technology with the aim of achieving a more rational use of energy in dwellings by air conditioning and ventilation measures. Points out that domestic heating is responsible for around 40% of energy consumption in West Germany, of which about one third is dissipated as ventilation heat loss.

Investigating the natural air change rate in dwellings with very air-tight windows. Untersuchungen des naturlichen Luftwechsels in Wohnungen mir sehr fugendichten Fenstern.

Describes investigations into the air change rate in dwellings with very air-tight windows carried out by the West German Institute for Water Earth and Air Hygiene under a contract from the Federal Building Ministry. Treats the 80rooms investigated in 20 different buildings and in some office type rooms in Berlin. Notes the measurement method and the procedure of evaluating the results. Gives some results in graphs. Summarises the findings of the analysis of the results.

Minimum ventilation rates. Minimale Lueftungsraten.

Lists in a table and discusses the chief sources of indoor air pollution. Distinguishes between short term and long term pollution. Provides advice for reducing pollution from various sources. Discusses the minimum permissible fresh air supply rates. Gives recommended humidity values and when, how often and for how long should ventilation be carried out. Recommends 12-15 m3 fresh air per person per hour, with double this rate for physical activity or smoking. States fresh air supply should be monitored to ensure the carbon-dioxide content does not exceed 0.15%.
