The new regulations applying to ventilation interpretation and applications. La nouvelle reglementation ventilation - interpretation, application.

Discusses some problems of interpretation of the French regulations concerning domestic ventilation promulgated 24th March 1982. Notes in particular problems connected with natural ventilation.

Improving the thermal characteristics of the apartment building "La Chaumiere". Assainissements thermiques sur l'immeuble "La Chaumiere".

Illustrates the building, comprising 24 flats in four storeys constructed in 1957 and heated by an oil fired boiler. Notes the intensive monitoring of the thermal characteristics of the building since 1980, with readings from 600 sensors.

Ventilation in buildings - calculation methods. Luftungsverluste in Gebauden - Berchnungsmethode.

Describes a mathematical model for the detailed calculation of ventilation losses in buildings. The model takes account of the prevailing wind and buoyancy forces, the leakiness of the building facades and internal doors and the effect of exhaust installations. Derives a simplified calculation method for practical calculations by heating engineers which is applied in the new SIA Recommendation 384/2 "Heat demand of buildings".

Some practical aspects on the infra-red thermography of buildings.

Illustrates some practical aspects of the use of one IR camera and associated equipment discusses some of the problems in interpretation of some pictures representing temperatures of the inside and outside surfaces of buildings particularly problems due to residual effects of the sun on external surfaces, reflection of sunlight into the IR camera, storage of heat from the sun in walls, and cold spots inside a building caused by heat loss by thermal bridges or cold-air infiltration.

Ten rules for domestic ventilation. Adequate air rate alone is no longer sufficient. Zehn regeln zur wohnungsluftung. Ausrreichender luftwechsel allein reicht nicht aus.

Lists and explains the 10 rules to ensure correct domestic ventilation< 1. Ensuring the correct air supply< 2. Maintaining correct flow directions< 3. Maintaining stable ventilation conditions< 4. Avoiding discomfort zones< 5. Maximum use of window ventilation< 6. Matching the flow of air to the ventilation requirement< 7. Observing energy saving ventilation principles< 8. Considering smoke carryover in case of fire<9. Quiet operation<10. Ensuring low maintenance requirements for the system< Illustrates examples of ventilation practice in diagrams.

The Maugwil measurement project. Measurement programme and results - review. Messprojekt Maugwil. Messprogramm und resultat - Ubersicht.

Reports measurements carried out from summer 1979 to summer 1981 in a well-instrumented unoccupied house, and in a less intensive manner in 60 occupied houses of the same construction. 

Comparing calculated energy demand using the computer program DOE-2 with measurements on actual buildings. Comparaison du calcul des besoins d'energie par le programme DOE-2 avec des mesures sur des batiments reels.

Provides the first results of a comparison of computer predictions of building energy demands with measurements in actual buildings - the Maugwil single family house and the "La Chaumiere" block of flats. Describes the buildings and summarises the measurement results and predicted values in graphs. Concludes the results indicate that the DOE-2 program can predict the thermal behaviour of buildings with an accuracy to within 5-10% on condition that it uses precise hourly meteorological and air change rate data. Stresses the important influence of the program user.

The Mobile Infiltration Test Unit - Its design and capabilities: Preliminary experimental results.

Describes the Mobile Infiltration Test Unit (MITU) and its instrumentation, including some preliminary tests of the individual measurement systems. MITU has a completely automated data acquisition system that records air infiltration rates, surface pressures and weather as half hour averages. Theshell of the tracker is well sealed and the quantity ,type and distribution of leakage area is controlled using removable leakage panels in 16 window openings.

Guidelines for infiltration reductions in light-frame structures.

Comments on the benefits of tighter house construction and gives a summary of the current tightness levels of the US housing stocks, based on a 300-house survey of infiltration measurements. Looks at 2 case studies of energy-efficient houses both for the details of their construction and for the air quality in the finished houses. Presents a set of drawing details that illustrate specific techniques for reducing infiltration. Includes methods of weatherstripping doors and windows, caulking and sealing, possible leakage points, and installing vapour barriers.

Research and development work with the aim of controlled ventilation. Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten mit dem Ziel einer kontrollierten Luftung

Provides results of research in Switzerland into window ventilation in typical rented dwellings as a function of outdoor climate, and the research support activities of the Air Infiltration Centre in the UK funded by the International Energy Agency. Describes in particular the creation of an air infiltration database, the comparison and validation of computer models of air infiltration, the development of a reporting format for measurement of air change in buildings, and the compilation of a glossary of technical terms.
