The impact of ventilation rates on the design of office buildings.

Reports on a study conducted to determine the impact of different ventilation rates on office building energy use, first cost, and peak electrical demand. Uses the DOE-2.1 computer program to simulate an energy-efficient office building in 5 cit

Warm air systems.Part 1 - temperatures and temperature efficiencies. Part 2 - tracer gas measurement and ventilation efficiency.

Reports the results of over 100 tests of 6 different warm air schemes. The temperatures and the removal of a tracer gas were monitored at several points and the data used to determine the temperature efficiency and ventilation efficiency. For ea

Where is the future's outside wall? Var finns framtidens yttervagg?

Makes an inventory of different outside wall structures and details their construction with respect to heat losses. Notes that in some countries, little consideration is made of energy losses and that Building Regulations in Sweden are strictest.

Airtight houses and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Reports on the problem of increased carbon monoxide poisoning in houses resulting from new energy conservation construction techniques, which improve the airtightness of houses.

Energy reduction opportunities in small commercial buildings.

Gives some conclusions from a detailed computer analysis of the energy consumption of 600 branch bank buildings of The Bank of Novia Scotia, spread across Canada. Divides energy management into 3 categories:

Energy program validation: conclusions of IEA Annex 1.

States that the calculation of building energy flow is very complex, and so validation is a vital element in the development of any model. Describes an IEA R and D project to compare 23 computer programs (from 8 different countries) both in terms of consistency between programs, and in thei relative accuracy in modelling the behaviour of a real building (the Avonbank office block in Bristol). Summarizes the major conclusions developing out of the project and discusses the most important aspects which need to be considered in the development of a reliable computer program.

Caswell Hill infiltration work-study project. Final report.

Reports on a project carried out in the Caswell Hill and Riversdale areas of Saskatoon to investigate the effectiveness of sealing with caulking and weatherstripping to reduce air leakage. This involved sealing 10 homes, and also insulating the attics and basements of five of these houses after thesealing work. A control group of 10 homes which had been insulated without particular attention being given to sealing procedures were also monitored. The homes were pressure tested by the National Research Council before and after sealing to measure the reduction in air leakage.

Mark XI energy research project. Summary of results 1978-1981.

Reports on a study carried out by HUDAC and DBR on four identical detached houses built in Ontario in 1977. House 1 was built according to the insulation requirements of the 1975 Ontario Building Code, the others were constructed with increased levels of insulation and air tightness. Some of the aims are:

Vapour barrier even when roof is ventilated. Dampfsperre auch beim belufteten dach.

Shows that efficient moisture removal in a ventilated roof via ventilation openings is a function of roof length. Beyond a certain critical length all moisture diffusing in from below will be deposited in the roof. The critical roof length will be greater the more vapour tight the section beneath the roof space is. If a vapour barrier is necessary, as in an unventilated roof, it maybe that an unventilated roof is preferable in the first place.
