Energy improvement kits - field results.

Outlines project where 25 representative dwellings from Birmingham Local Authority Housing stocks were monitored before and after energy retrofitting. Findings are presented as a set of case studies encompassing both fabric and infiltration measures. Suggests that simple energy conservation measures are successful but that more sophisticated combinations tend to under-achieve. Ventilation changes in several cases are impaired by increased use of windows and/or permanent ventilation. Where these effects are'nt operating, reductions of between 0.3 - 0.6 ac/hr appear typical.

Definition of ventilation efficiency and the efficiency of mechanical ventilation systems.

Discusses air quality and the related definitions of ventilation efficiency. Suggests a definition of efficiency for ventilation systems in residential buildings that takes into consideration how ventilation air spreads within a dwelling. Measurements of the efficiency for exhaust, supply and combined systems show that for combined and supply systems the highest efficiency occurs in those parts where the air is supplied.

Avoiding condensation and mould growth in existing housing with the minimum energy input.

Detailed studies of public sector modernisation programmes show that the principal problem resulting from lack of thermal insulation and inappropriate methods of heating and ventilation is condensation and mould growth. Gives the optimum air change rate (for dwellings with particular heat loss characteristics) at which the heat input necessary to prevent the RH rising is at a minimum. The resulting temperatures are too low to be considered comfortable, so air change rates need to be less than the optimum.

A comparison of alternative ventilation strategies.

Examines several ventilation strategies in tight houses for both impact on the total ventilation and effect on the energy balance of the system. Uses the single-zone infiltration model developed at LBL as part of the calculation of total ventilation load. Strategies covered include natural systems such as ventilation stacks as well as mechanical systems such such as air-to-air heat exchangers and exhaust fans with and without heat pumps.

Light, tight and well-insulated detached houses reduce cost. Latt, tatt och valisolerat sanker smahuskostnaden.

Describes project on experimental housing of a new type built by Swedish manufacturers employing light, timber construction. Good airtightness and careful work results in the lowest total cost. Investigation shows results of profitability of various investments. Illustrates energy balance for housing discussed.

Measurement of hourly infiltration rate and air change rate in the apartment block La Chaumiere. Mesures du taux horaire d'infiltration et de renouvellement de l'air sur l'immeuble La Chaumiere.

Describes the measurement of infiltration and air change rates in one flat in an apartment block containing 24 flats. Gives the general principles of the pressurization method and tracer gas method for measuring air change rate and infiltration rate. In this situation uses N2O as the tracer gas and measures concentrations with an infra-red gas analyser. Measures the effects of opening and sealing windows, and of closing internal doors on the air change rate and air movement in the flat.

Energy-conserving measures in buildings.

Surveys the Danish energy-saving program in the Ministry of Housing 1975-1987. Covers grant schemes, energy conserving measures in public and state buildings from 1975, control schemes for heating installations, and building regulations. Includes as an appendix a copy of the 1982 Act on the Reduction of Energy Consumption in Buildings.

Airflow around buildings.

Describes the major features of air flow around buildings, indicating how wind characteristics and building geometry interact to determine airflow round a house. Outlines work being done by Watson House in this area, mainly concerned with ventilation, flue performance and dispersal of combustion products.

Basic characteristics of low-cost houses in order to reduce the energy consumption for heating.

Describes a project undertaken for the CEC to build low-energy houses according to a particular design methodology, and to verify the efficiency and practical application of this design. Describes general site layout, climatic effects on the site, and design methodology as applied to the houses. Aims to undertake energy audits in each of the houses,including measurements of air temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, "steady state" behaviour and air infiltration.

Low energy houses: some measured energy consumption figures.

Presents space heating and total energy consumption values for a one-year monitoring period for a group of 27 low energy houses in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. These have a number of energy conserving features, including air tightness, controlled ventilation, air-to-air heat exchangers, passive solar heating and high insulation levels. The average space heating energy consumption for the 27 houses was 43.7 Kj/sq.m.DD May 1980-May 1981.The total energy consumption for the houses averaged 365 Mj/sq.m. The space heating energy consumption averaged .228 Mj/sq.m.
