The use of window ventilation by occupants of two blocks of flats as a function of the weather. Fenster-luftungsverhalten der bewohner zweier mehrfamilienhauser inabhangingkeit vom aussenklima.

Provides a summary of Report IIIb of the overall research project `air change in buildings' undertaken by the EMPA, Switzerland, sponsored by the Swiss Federal Ministry for Environmental Protection. Describes an investigation into the frequency and duration of window ventilation over an entire heating season by the occupants of 32 flats. Treats the two blocks of flats investigated, the results of questionnaire circulated to the occupants concerning ventilation habits, the measurement and observation methods applied, and the evaluation methods applied to the data obtained.

Long term investigations concerning air permeability and air exchange of a single family house. Langzeit-untersuchungen betreffend luftdurchlassigkeit und luftwechsel eines einfamilienhauses

Provides a summary of Report IIIc of the overall research project `air change in buildings' undertaken by the EMPA, Switzerland, sponsored by the Swiss Federal Ministry for Environmental Protection. Describes a measurement programme undertaken in an unoccupied single family house built in 1979.

The influence of thermally insulated shutters on the air exchange and heat energy consumption in dwellings. Einfluss von waregedammten klappladen auf den luftwechsel und den heiz-energieverbrauch in wohnungen.

Provides a summary of Report IIIa of the overall research project `air change in buildings' undertaken by the EMPA, Switzerland, sponsored by the Swiss Federal Ministry for Environmental Protection. Describes an investigation ontwo identical insulated flats in the same block with the same orientation, one with folding shutters and the other with roller blinds. The occupants were instructed on how to close the blinds at night. Their normal living habits and ventilation preferences were not affected. Illustrates the flats and blinds diagrammatically and in photographs.

Current knowledge concerning ventilation heat losses. Aktueller stand der kenntnisse - luftungswarme-verluste

Treats the three main factors contributing to ventilation heat loss- natural air exchange driven by wind pressure and temperature differences, air exchange caused by the user and forced air change under the influence of exhaust air installati

Indoor air pollution, air quality and ventilation requirements. Inderforurening luftkvalitet og ventilationsbehov.

Presents author's impressions from 2nd International Indoor Climate Symposium at Amherst, USA, where 130 new research papers were presented. Considers pollution sources such as NO2, CO and the use of UF foam for thermal insulation.

An `example year' for the calculation of energy demand in buildings.

At present, there are many design and investigatory methods(often supported by computer programs)that take account of the reaction of the building and its heating and cooling systems to outdoor conditions as they vary with time. This makes it desirable to have some agreed sample of weather to allow contrast and comparison between various methods
for predicting building and system behaviour, and between individual design cases to be on a common basis.
The proposals below although evolved from work in the authors' establishments have been discussed more widely and

The tightness of buildings studied by international cooperative group. Byggnaders tathet studeras i internationell samarbetsgrupp.

Notes emerging importance of airtightness and preparation of `Air Infiltration Handbook' by Sweden. Discusses the work of the Air Infiltration Centre under the auspices of the International Energy Agency. Reports on second AIC conference hosted by Sweden in September 1981. Discusses main topics presented at the conference dominated by the need for `controlled ventilation' and the problem of measurement.

Energy consumption in industrial buildings during shut-down periods. Seisokkiajan energiankulutus teollisuushalleissa.

Sponsored by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, a consulting firm performed an investigation of the possible energy savings in industrial halls outside working hours. The ventilation should be closed during shut-down periods, and air change through natural draught cut down to a minimum. The ventilation by leakage of an industrial building may be estimated at 0.1-0.5 air changes per hour, therefore the tightness of the constructions is imperative. The decrease of the temperature in industrial halls during non-working hours is imperative.

Subjective effects of low speed air movement Subjectieve effecten van luchtbeweging met lage snelheid.

Reports experiments on whether there is an optimum air speed for comfort carried out at the Electricity Council Research Centre at Capenhurst. 9 seated subjects were separately exposed to a steady horizontal air movement over the whole body. At air velocities of 0.1, 0.15, 0.25 and 0.35 m/s the subjects were asked to adjust room air temperature personally to a preferred level. An enquiry list was laid before them. Preference was given to the 10-point Bedford list over the 7-point ASHRAE one. Compares test result figures with Bedford and Fanger theories. Uses the Newman Keuls procedure.

Energy savings in buildings-a headache which goes beyond the ability of tradesmen. Energibesparing i byggnaden-huvudvark over skraganserna

In terms of energy usage and indoor climate a building works as a total system where the shell, the installations and services interact organically. However, technical knowledge of this total system is still undeveloped and the limitations of different trade categories hinders such development. Examples show how the efficiency of building methods such as tightening external walls depend on the ventilation system used in the building.
