Roulet C-A, Scartezzini J-L
Bibliographic info:
Rapport No 84-01-10. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Groupe de Recherches en Energie Solaire, 16 November 1984. 65p. figs, tabs, 3 refs. #DATE 16:11:1984 in French

The air change rate and the volume of heated air of the villa were measured by the constant concentration tracer gas method during a period of 11 days. The total volume of the villa is 1000 m3 and the heated volume 530 m3. It is built on six half-levels. The occupants continued their normal lifestyle during themeasurements. The Compact Equipment for Survey of Air Renewal (CESAR) was used with nitrous oxide as tracer gas at a concentration of 100 ppm. The mean global air change rate was 0.50/h. The rate rose to 0.56 if a bedroom window at the top of the building was open, and fell to 0.37 when all the windows were shut.