Hiroshi Akasaka, Yoshinobu Arai, Soichiro Kuroki, Satoshi Ohara
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, Australia, 1993, p. 501-507

Weather data at thousands of stations throughout the world are compiled for air-conditioning load calculation using a personal computer. Several selected sources of weather data are introduced. Major sources among them are the publication by the British Meteorological Office and the magnetic tape compiled by the Japan Meteorological Agency. Since solar radiation is not included in the major sources, it is supplemented from the other sources. Consequently, two files named BMO and JMA are compiled. A computer program for calling the designated station from the files is developed. As the weather data in the files are on monthly basis, an estimation method of hourly data from monthly data is presented. Solar radiation for cooling load calculation is also estimated. Sample calculation is illustrated.