The total air infiltration rates can be determined by the tracer gas decay method, but to measure the influence of inhabitants or convective exchanges between rooms, the constant concentration method is more suitable. In order tomeasure these effects, the Compact Equipment for Survey of Air Renewal (CESAR), developed at the LESO, was used to perform an air exchange analysis on data recorded at regular intervals in up to 10 locations simultaneously. Three tracer gas methods were implemented: decay, constant concentration and continuous flow. Successful continuous measurements were worked out in 10 locations and the exchange flow rates and occupancy effects were measured by the constant concentration method.
Continuous air infiltration measurements in the LESO.
Bibliographic info:
Paper presented at INTERSOL 85, Montreal. Rapport No 85-01-10. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, June 1985. 5p. 4 figs, 3 refs.