An integrated building concept is a prerequisiteto come to an energy efficient building with agood and healthy IAQ indoor comfort. A designprocess that defines the targets and boundaryconditions in the very first stage of the design and guarantees them until the building is finished and used is needed. The hard questionis however: how to make the right choice of thecombination of individual measures frombuilding components and building sewiceselements. Within the frameworlc of IEA-ECBCSAnnex 44 research has been conducted aboutthe design process for integrated buildingconcepts with responsive building elements.The (Dutch) Toolkit Sustainable ResidentialBuildings is one of the exaniples of tools for anintegrated design process.
Design process for integrated concepts with responsive building elements
Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008