This paper gives the status on the regulation on ventilation in the different regions of Belgium for residential and non residential buildings.
29th AIVC Conference - Kyoto,Japan - 14-16 October 2008
The 29th AIVC Conference, Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues, was held in Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008.
Contains 165 papers
Volume content
Design Engineering Review of Two Canadian Displacement VentilationApproaches with in-situ Performance Measurement of the Buildings | 2008 | English
Displacement Ventilation approach is becomingan interesting alternative to mixing ventilationainong Canadian consulting engineers. Thispaper presents two recent DisplacementVentilation projects designed by two inajorCanadian engineering firms.
On the Influence of the Reynolds-Stress Anisotro y Tensor on thePrediction of Wall-Affected Three-Dimensional Room airflows | 2008 | English
It is well known that the turbulence anisotropyhas a remarkable influence on the flow of threedimensional wall jets.
Determination of the Chilled Water Temperature and Flow Rate of theRadiant Floor Cooling System in Residential Buildings | 2008 | English
This study aims to derive design data of thesupply chilled water temperature and water flowrate for the radiant floor cooling system inKorean residential buildings.
A Study on Thermal environment of the Raised-Floor Ondol with aVentilation System at an Apartrnent | 2008 | English
A radiant heating applied to floor, so called'Ondol', is a traditional heating method in Koreaand has been widely used.
A new innovative design concept for the indoorair conditioning systems is proposed. Thisconcept uses passive control and modularly airdiffusion devices and aims complying with boththernial conifort and energy efficiencyobjectives.
In this work the problem of the estimation of achange in the dynamics and time-varyingthermal parameters for a wall from experimentaldata is solved in several ways.
The aim of this paper is to have a generaldiscussion of the status regarding energybuilding codes in relation to TAQ concerns.First, there is a brief discussion of the trends inenergy regulations and in IAQ concerns.
Honda Wako Building(hereinafter called HWB)" is ahigh efficiency saving energyoffice building with six floorshaving 52,138-m2 of total floorarea.
Energy-efficient building design often makes use of night-time ventilation or thermal slab activation. The quality of the design tools used depends on the quality of the empirical valuesused within them such as heat transfer coefficients.
In the desiccant dehumidifier using adsorbentsuch as silica gel and zeolite, outdoor moist airis dehumidified in adsorbent.
Development of behavioural algorithms for thermal simulation of buildings- evaluating constraints on the operation of windows and fans | 2008 | English
Realistic knowledge of window-opening andfans use behaviour is needed, for the thermalsimulation of naturally ventilated buildings. Ifcontrols such us windows and fans wereefective and easy to use, thermal discomfortcould be largely avoided.
Experimental and numerical study of air temperature distribution of anunderfloor air distribution system | 2008 | English
A numerical model of an underfloor air distribution system was created to aid future research on the system's environmental performance. A validated numerical model can serve to minimize the need for costly experimental setups.
"At the G8 Hokkaido Toyal
A Case Study of Energy Consumption and Indoor Environment in a WoodConstructed Office Building | 2008 | English
In this study, field measurements andinvestigations have been carried out tounderstand the energy consumption and indoorenvironment of a sustainable designed officebuilding.
The effect of downdraft spoilers is questioned.CFD results are presented for a large atriumequipped with downdraft spoilers ("obstacles")to counteract downdraft from glazed faqades.Simulations are in addition presented for oneandtwo-story test roo
Comparison of Physical and Psychological Aspects of Light and Heat Radiation Brought by Daylighting | 2008 | English
This paper describes the merit of daylighting bycomparing the physical and psychologicalaspects of light and heat radiation.
Allowing for thermal comfort in free-running buildings in the newEuropean Standard EN 1 525 1 | 2008 | English
This paper describes some qf the thinking behind the thermal comfort provisions of the new European Standard EN1 525 1 (CEN:2007) for free-running buildings. This standard deals with all aspects on the indoor environment.
Study the Thermal Effect of Ceiling-mounted Light Fixturesfor a Displacement Ventilation System | 2008 | English
This paper investigates the thermal effect of ceiling-mounted light fixtures for a displacement ventilation system. The influence of fluorescent lainps on a ceiling is examined by computational fluid dynamics and experimental methods.
Air tightness is an important property ofbuilding envelopes. It is a key factor indetermining infiltration and related wallperformanceproperties such as indoor airquality, maintainability and moisturebalance. Air leakage in U.S.