The 29th AIVC Conference, Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues, was held in Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008.

Contains 165 papers 

Volume content

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Considering density of housing in residentialarea of large cities in Japan, it is very difficultto secure sufficient daylight and lead daylightto whole space in the house. High side lightingis one of solutions for such situation.
Suzuki, H.
Thermal mass activation (TMA) can assure, incertain cases, thermal comfort conditionswithout the need of air conditioning systems.Even if other cooling systems have to be used,night ventilation significantly reduces theduration of the working time
L. Stephan, P. Tittelein, E. Wurtz, B. Souyri
In this paper, a multi-zone modeling concept isproposed based on a simplified energy balanceformulation to provide a better prediction of theindoor horizontal temperature variation insidethe livestock building.
Z. Wu, J. Stoustrup, P. Heiselberg
In the recent years in Latvia is rapidlydeveloping construction sector of residentialbuildings. Engineers have to give moreattention to heating and cooling system'stechnology in the buildings to stay competitivein the realty's market.
Skapare, I.; Kreslins, A.
Recently, natural ventilation, which istraditional cooling method in Japan, hasbecome considered as the key method forcooling energy conservation.
Habara, H.; Miura, H.; Sawachi, T.; Nishizawa, S.; Hosoi, A.
The purposes of this research are to contrast theenergy consumption characteristics of oldresidential buildings and new residentialbuildings in Shanghai, China, and to analyzeinfluence factors of residential energyconsumption.
Chen, S.Q.; Yoshino, H.; Li, Z.H.
The results of a recent research and it'sstatistical analysis, show that in some of theIranian cities like YAZD, there are two periods(from end of august to end of September andfrom end of February to end of March) in whichoutdoor pollution is hig
Rezaei, F.
In predicting the cross ventilation rate throughlarge openings, the use of general dischargedcoefficient , values for the conventionalorifice equation is not suitable.
H. Kotani, T. Yamanaka
In order to further improve energyperformance of buildings, intelligentbuilding control is needed which integratesindividual demands and behavior ofoccupants.
Zeiler, W.; Noom, P.; Boxem, G.; Van Houten, R.; Van der Velden, J.; Haan, J.F.; Wortel, W.; Hommelberg, M.; Kamphuis, R.; Broekhuizen, H.
In residential buildings moisture is adominant pollution source removed by theventilation system. The Danish buildingcode requires a minimum air change rate of0.5h-1 in residential buildings to avoidmoisture related problems.
Mortensen, D.K.; Nielsen, T.R.; Svendsen, S.; Topp, C.
This study was carried out systematically asfollows; at first, an investigation of grossbuilding-to-land ratio of real residential areawith GIs data was carried out.
Y. Akamine, Y. Sakamoto, M. Mae, H. Hoshino, K. Taniguchi
The primary purpose of the present study was toevaluate the effects of retrofitting of windowsashes by measuring air tightness performanceand thermal environment of apartment housesbuilt during the period 1965 - 1974 before andafter the retrofitti
Toriumi, Y.; Kurabuchi, T.; Nagai, T.; Fukada, K.; Endo, T.; Kodera, S.; Asami, J
During the past half century, filtration techniques based on the use of activated carbons have been widely used in industrial applications, and considerable knowledge about the mass transfer processes involved has been developed.
Popescu, R.S.; Blondeau, P.; Colda, I.; Niculita, L.
Natural ventilation systems in multi-familyresidential buildings should meet the needs ofreducing ventilation heat loss as well asproviding good indoor air quality.
Kim, S.-S.; Kim, H.-J.; Park, J.-H.; Lee, Y.-G.
Thermal building simulations (TRNSYS) werelinked to nodal airflow network simulations(COMIS) for a detailed ventilated double-skinfacade calculation of performance.
Haase, M.; Marques da Silva, F.; Amato, A.
As a matter of national policy, we have tochallenge to save energy in residential sectorthat contribute to C02 emission because theKyoto protocol has talten effect in 2005.
Soejima, M.; Watanabe, T.; Ozaki, A.; Rikimaru, C.
This paper describes the optimum HVACcontrol system that the simulation is executedusing the data of BEMS and the weatherforecasting, etc.
Utsumi, Y.; Kamimura, K.; Kishima, S.; Taira, U.
The target of this study is to investigate aninnovative indoor LED illumination that usesheat pipes as the heat transfer channels toconduct the released heat of the LED to theheat-sink fins on the two sides.
Lai, C.-M.; Chiang, C.-M.; Wang, F.-J.
It is known that there are some methods ofenergy conservation for building facilities.Energy recovery ventilator (ERV),which canrecover sensible heat and latent heat, is one ofthe solution to reduce heatinglcooling loads,which are related to the p
Onishi, S.; Tajima, M.
Recently most houses in northern Japan have becomehighly insulatedand airtight, whichhave caused seriousproblems such as indoor air pollution.
M. Enai, K. Kikuta, H. Hayama, Y. Shiraishi, Y. Abe, S. Ishikawa
