As a matter of national policy, we have tochallenge to save energy in residential sectorthat contribute to C02 emission because theKyoto protocol has talten effect in 2005. Theamount of CO2 emission in residential sectoraccounts for about 14% of whole C02 emissionin Japan. The reduction of energy consumptionis the most pressing issue to be settled in theimmediate future. Then the energy consumptionof residential buildings was monitored for twoyears around the country with the object ofcreating a national database. According to theresults, it has been made clear that regionalcharacteristics and every life style exert anextremely influence on the energy consumption,particularly concerning space conditioning.In this paper, the efficiency of energyconservation methods, such as a change ofliving habits, on space conditioning load ofresidential buildings is clarified through thesensitive analysis with the numerical simulationwhich can predict the hygrothermalenvironment of the whole building. The controlmethod of mechanical heating and cooling bythermal index PMV is one of the progressivefeatures of the numerical simulation.
Efficiency of Energy Conservation Methods on Space Conditioning Loadof Residential Buildings
Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008