Natural ventilation systems in multi-familyresidential buildings should meet the needs ofreducing ventilation heat loss as well asproviding good indoor air quality. Therefore, itis important to estimate the adequate area ofnatural ventilation systems based on reasonableperformance data. The purpose of this study isto measure the air flow rates of a naturalventilator by different test methods and to findout its performance in a full-scale test house.First, air flow rates of a natural ventilator weremeasured by fan pressurization method usingthe ventilation performance test rig in thelaboratory. Secondly, air flow rates were alsomeasured using an orifice blower door in themock-up test room. Finally, the air change ratesof a residential unit with natural ventilators weremeasured under different opening conditions.By comparing the measurement results from thedifferent tests, several considerations andrecommendations were also discussed forevaluating the performance of naturalventilators.
Performance assessment of a natural ventilator by different test methods
Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008