If thermal insulation and solar control ofbuilding envelopes are appropriately made forindoor thermal environment control, then themoderate air current becomes relativelyeffective for thermal comfort especially inresidentional buildings in summer
29th AIVC Conference - Kyoto,Japan - 14-16 October 2008
The 29th AIVC Conference, Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues, was held in Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008.
Contains 165 papers
Volume content
Experimental Study on the Combined Effect of Outdoor Thermal-Environment and Ventilation Patterns on Indoor Thermal-EnvironmentControl for Summer | 2008 | English
Recently, dampness in buildings has beenindicated to be associated with occupants' healthdamages such as allergies. In particular mold inindoor air is considered to be a significant riskfactor of health.
Misawa Homes have developed a homeaiming a zero annual energy balance, definedas the energy consumption over production byusing solar energy, in 1997.
A Study of the Ventilation Performance for Automobile Indoor AirPollution Reduction | 2008 | English
In this study, we evaluated the ventilationperformance of an automobile interior with theaim of minimizing the influence of harmfulmaterials emitted from new cars.
Study onAirflow around Building Roof for Design ofNatud Ventilation by Chmney- Part1 Distribution of wind pressure coefficient on a building roof - | 2008 | English
There are some ways to promote natural ventilation, but this research focuses on chimney which is traditional ventilation method used for industry or fireplace.
Building performance can be expressed bydifferent indicators as primary energy use,environmental load andlor the indoorenvironmental quality and a building performancesimulation can provide the decision maker with aquantitative measure of the exte
Energy analysis of a personalized ventilation system in a cold climate: Influence of the supplied air temperature | 2008 | English
TII this study the influence of temperature of thesupplied air of a personalized ventilation systemon energy need has been investigated by meansof simulations with IDA-ICE software.
Numerical Simulation of Natural Ventilation Performance of SolarChimney with Built-in Phase Change Material | 2008 | English
This paper presents a study of solar chimneysusing a Phase Change Material (PCM)integrated into the heat absorber of the solarchimney.
Analysis for Wood Decay within Building Envelops Considering Moisture Production by Biochemical Reactions | 2008 | English
In this study, a durability assessment model forbuilding envelopes design based onhygrothesmal and wood rot decay analysis ispresented.
Tall buildings have traditionally been sealed andmechanical ventilated. In recent years advanceshave been made allowing the natural ventilationof tall buildings for a part of the year.
In predicting flow rate of a cross-ventilatedbuilding, discharge coefficients obtained fromthe connected value of resistance coefficient ofopening based on the chamber method, and thewind pressure coefficients from a sealedbuilding are usually use
Some Effects of Ventilation on People: Perceptions, physiologicalResponses and Mental Performance | 2008 | English
This study explores the plausible mechanismlinking outdoor air supply rates and workperformance through the perceptual responsesand a target salivary biomarker.
Solar Thermal and Electric Desiccant Cooling System,Part 1 : System Development and Investigation | 2008 | English
Environmental degradation, depletingconventional energy resources, and explodingworld population are indeed serious issues.Development of clean energy resources togetherwith clean technologies for human comfort is awonderful hunian creativity.
Investigation of On-site Measurement of Air Flow Rate on Compact AirTerminal Devices | 2008 | English
On-site air flow measurements of domesticventilation systems with using funnel type airflow measurement instrument which isgenerally used in Japan, has been reported themeasurement difficulties due to the terminaldevices' installed location, the e
Energy efficient building means automaticallyextra attention to energy efficient ventilationand air tight building.
The decision makers in urban planning facevery often a dilemma whether to demolish orretrofit old buildings.
Measurement of total pressure, static pressure and wind velocity aroundcross-ventilated building | 2008 | English
Conventionally, the flow rate of a crossventilatedbuilding is predicted by using theorifice equation. When the opening is small,flow becomes like infiltration through cracks, itis useful.
Air-related problems in high-rise buildings:How can we cope with the problems due to stack effect? | 2008 | English
The construction of high-rise buildings beganseveral decades ago in North America, and nowhigh-rise buildings are common in East Asiaand the Middle East.
Displacement Ventilation System with Radiation Panel for Sickroom-Influence of Radiation Panel on Contaminant Concentration Profile - | 2008 | English
For the patient, the sickroom is a place for themedical treatment and is also the living spacewhere they spend almost all time in a day.Therefore, high indoor air quality and thermalcomfort are needed in the sickroom.We propose to use the displace
Ventilation Performance of Residential Kitchen Range Hood- Capture Efficiency of Island Hood | 2008 | English
An island hood, which is often installed in anisland kitchen, is an exhaust range hoodmounted on a ceiling independently. Thecapture efficiency of the island hood is obtainedby experiment and CFD analysis.