The 29th AIVC Conference, Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues, was held in Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008.

Contains 165 papers 

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An investigation was performed in a middle-corridor-type elementary school in Tolcyo, Japan, equipped with an air-conditioning system for cooling.Temperatures and C02 concentrations weremeasured in classrooms, corridors and outdoors.Visual inspect
Kurabuchi, T.; Kawase, T.; Fukada, K.; Ilno, Y.; Endo, T.; Yoshino, H.
In the past various experimental investigationsabout room airflows were published.
Heschl, C.; Sanz, W.; Lindmeier, I.
A roof is one of the most importantcharacteristics of Thai architecture especiallyin a house, traditionally. Also, the roof is apart of the house that mainly effects energysaving due to heat allowance pass through andrelease from indoor space.
Boonyaputthipong, C.
The author had participated IEAIECBCS Annexprojects since 1987, starting from Annex 16 forBEMS, ending at Annex 40 for Commissioning.I used to recognize how this line of continualset-up of subjects to optimize HVAC design andmaintenance through sy
Nakahara, N.;
According to the definition, passive houses inEurope meet a target energy demand for heatingof less than 15 kWh per square meter and peryear.
E. Mlecnik, S. Van Loon, E. Hasselaar
Recently post-occupancy evaluation is oftenused to know the actual performance of socalledenergy saving building components andto compare with simulated performance. Inreality, the occupants choice how to achievecomfortable conditions, e.g.
Schweiker, M.; Shukuya, M.
Buildings are a man-made environment built innature.
Kodama, Y.
It is believed that one method of maltingeffective use of energy is the sharing ofhydrogen energy or heat and electricityproduced by cogeneration systems at multiplefacilities in the community.
Kuwasawa, Y.; Momota, M.; Mitsumori, M.
An investigation to understand the actual conditionsof smoking spaces was conducted, and itbecame clear that the introduction of a highlyefficientventilation system is necessary, in additionto the securing of a sufficient ventilationvolume.
Endo, T.; Kurabuchi, T.
This paper discusses whether there is thermalcognition acquired through daily experience inthe built environment during summer seasons.For this purpose, we analysed the results of asubjective experiment to reveal the relationshipbetween subjective
Iwamatsu, T.; Shukuya, M.; Kataoka, E.; Hoshino, Y.
Today lots of research and application of solarheating are focused on continuously occupiedbuildings, such as residential buildings.
G. Yu, H. Yang
Tn this paper, using thc "SCTENCE vent"method for estimating the energy consumptionfor air conditioning in rcsidcntial buildings, wcevaluated the wind environment and theradiative conditions with respect to the targetbuildings in the case where th
Narumi, D.; Taketa, A.; Shimoda, Y.
The objective of this study is to identify theeffects of mirror duct system on energy savingsfor luminaries.
E. Mochizuki, H. Komine, H. Kimura
There are many technologies aimed at reducing energy demand of ventilation systems, but thefocus in these designs has remained on the airheating system and exhaust losses.
Meggers, F.; Baldini, L.
Activated carbon filters have been used forpurification of air and water in industrialapplications.
F. Haghighat, C.S. Lee, A. Bastani
Considering density of housing in residentialarea of large cities in Japan, it is very difficultto secure sufficient daylight and lead daylightto whole space in the house. High side lightingis one of solutions for such situation.
Suzuki, H.
Thermal mass activation (TMA) can assure, incertain cases, thermal comfort conditionswithout the need of air conditioning systems.Even if other cooling systems have to be used,night ventilation significantly reduces theduration of the working time
L. Stephan, P. Tittelein, E. Wurtz, B. Souyri
In the recent years in Latvia is rapidlydeveloping construction sector of residentialbuildings. Engineers have to give moreattention to heating and cooling system'stechnology in the buildings to stay competitivein the realty's market.
Skapare, I.; Kreslins, A.
Recently, natural ventilation, which istraditional cooling method in Japan, hasbecome considered as the key method forcooling energy conservation.
Habara, H.; Miura, H.; Sawachi, T.; Nishizawa, S.; Hosoi, A.
In this paper, a multi-zone modeling concept isproposed based on a simplified energy balanceformulation to provide a better prediction of theindoor horizontal temperature variation insidethe livestock building.
Z. Wu, J. Stoustrup, P. Heiselberg
