The 29th AIVC Conference, Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues, was held in Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008.

Contains 165 papers 

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The author had participated IEAIECBCS Annexprojects since 1987, starting from Annex 16 forBEMS, ending at Annex 40 for Commissioning.I used to recognize how this line of continualset-up of subjects to optimize HVAC design andmaintenance through sy
Nakahara, N.;
This field work was conducted in Wuhan in2007 summer to investigate local residents'thermal adaptation.
X. Yan, Y. Han
Translucent thermal insulation walls forJapanese houses have been designed to allowsolar radiation and daylight to pass through thewalls into the house (Fig.
Kitadani, Y.; Suzuki, H.; Kihara, M.; Iwata, T.
A com~nonp ractice, adopted by several buildingenergy simulation (BES) tools, is the use ofsurface averaged wind pressure coefficients (Cp)instead of local Cp values with high resolutionin space.
D. Costola, B. Blocken, J.L.M. Hensen
Buildings are a man-made environment built innature.
Kodama, Y.
A survey of air conditioner temperaturesettings and clothing insulation was carried outfor university student rooms in June-Octoberduring daytime on weekdays in Osaka, Japan.The results are as follows.
N. Umemiya, R. Okura, Y. Tanaka
This paper discusses whether there is thermalcognition acquired through daily experience inthe built environment during summer seasons.For this purpose, we analysed the results of asubjective experiment to reveal the relationshipbetween subjective
Iwamatsu, T.; Shukuya, M.; Kataoka, E.; Hoshino, Y.
Conventional air-conditioning control in a roomassumes perfect diffusion of temperature in theroom, and relies on a temperature sensorinstalled on the wall or ceiling of the room, or inthe return duct.
Fukuda, S.; Chikamoto, T.; Nishimura, T.
BEU accounting and assessment is a fundamental task for development of energy efficiency in buildings. The traditional methodology is based on caloric value of energy carriers, which is only relates to energy quantity.
M. Liu, B. Li, R. Yao
Sales data shows that the use of air-to-air heatpumps in New Zealand houses is rapidlyincreasing. This rapid uptake will lead to newenergy and peak power demands on theelectricity supply system.
French, L.; Isaacs, N.; Camilleri, M.
Thermal building simulations (TRNSYS) werelinked to nodal airflow network simulations(COMIS) for a detailed ventilated double-skinfacade calculation of performance.
Haase, M.; Marques da Silva, F.; Amato, A.
As a matter of national policy, we have tochallenge to save energy in residential sectorthat contribute to C02 emission because theKyoto protocol has talten effect in 2005.
Soejima, M.; Watanabe, T.; Ozaki, A.; Rikimaru, C.
This paper describes the optimum HVACcontrol system that the simulation is executedusing the data of BEMS and the weatherforecasting, etc.
Utsumi, Y.; Kamimura, K.; Kishima, S.; Taira, U.
The target of this study is to investigate aninnovative indoor LED illumination that usesheat pipes as the heat transfer channels toconduct the released heat of the LED to theheat-sink fins on the two sides.
Lai, C.-M.; Chiang, C.-M.; Wang, F.-J.
It is known that there are some methods ofenergy conservation for building facilities.Energy recovery ventilator (ERV),which canrecover sensible heat and latent heat, is one ofthe solution to reduce heatinglcooling loads,which are related to the p
Onishi, S.; Tajima, M.
Recently most houses in northern Japan have becomehighly insulatedand airtight, whichhave caused seriousproblems such as indoor air pollution.
M. Enai, K. Kikuta, H. Hayama, Y. Shiraishi, Y. Abe, S. Ishikawa
Thermal mass can be used in buildings toreduce the need for and dependence onmechanical heating and cooling systems whilstmaintaining environmental comfort.
Warwick, D.J.; Cripps, A.J.; Kolokotroni, M.
This paper describes thermal characteristics of a hydronic floor heating system using heat pumps. An experimental system is constructed in a climate chamber. It has a test room with a floor area of 1 1.6 m2 and an air volume of 23.15 m3.
Kindaichi, S.; Kim, S.; Akamine, Y.; Mae, M.; Sakamoto, Y.
Tokyo Electric Power Company R&D Center wascompleted in September 1994.
Yanagihara, R.; Kawano, M.
The main objective of this research is thepresentation of a method for finding lightingand power outlet energy consumption volume,which is both easy to calculate, and possesses acertain degree of accuracy, fiom the Japanesebackground of few lighti
Miki, Y.; Saito, M.; Asada, H.
