Describes a method to estimate differences in external pressure values between walls from known mean pressure coefficients on the facades and roof of the building in question and from the determination of wind values on the site and at the same height as the building. Air change rates and heat losses for the building can then be calculated from these variations in pressure values, where the ventilation characteristics (mechanical, natural, mixed), internal pressure and the permeability of the facades and air inlets are known by referring to the different standard types of building and environment shown in this study.
Determination of reference wind for the calculation of heat losses associated with change of air in buildings. Determination du vent de reference pour le calcul des deperditions thermiques liees au renouvellement d'air des locaux.
Bibliographic info:
Seminar on Dynamic Thermal Behaviour of Buildings, Paris, December 1984. 27p. 8 figs, 4 refs.