Investigates the reliability of the single-room infiltration model used in the computer program ENCORE. Compares calculated air change rates with tracer gas (N2O) measurements in 25 identical one and a half storey detached houses. Describes the infiltration model, the parameters and some results. Thecomparison shows good correlation at low wind speeds (< 3m/sec) but the model's values at higher wind speeds are too high. The main reason for the inaccuracy seems to be that the wind pressure coefficients used in the model are too high to fit the air barriers in ventilated wall and roof construction.
Field verification of the air infiltration model used in the computer program ENCORE.

Bibliographic info:
Preprint Ashrae Transactions 1983 vol.89 pt.2A and B 11pp. 10 figs. 7 refs. #DATE 01:01:1983 in English