Reports the result of investigation of the impact of various operational factors on trace combustion products emission rates from unvented gas appliances including ranges and space heaters. The impact of the following factors on the indoor NO, NO2 and CO emission rates were evaluated under controlled conditions in an environmental chamber - 1) the appliance typeand/or design, 2) the primary aeration level, 3) the fuel input rate, 4) the time dependence of emission rates, and 5) the presence of absorbing surfaces such as wood, plaster board, curtains, carpets, linoleum and plaster. Results indicate that several of these factors have an impact on exposure to indoor contaminant levels similar in magnitude to the impact of the air exchange rate of indoor environments.
An investigation of operational factors that influence emission rates from gas appliances

Bibliographic info:
Indoor Air, vol.4, Chemical Characterization and Personal Exposure, Edited by B.Berglund, T.Lindvall, J.Sundell. Swedish Council for Building Research, Stockholm, 1984