The research regarding the importance of indoorair quality is recently becoming issue fromKorea and various methods are being used toimprove interior air quality. Indoor aircontamination became an important issue as theamount of infiltration is diminished by tightlysealed envelopes, and the building materialsmade of chemical components are frequentlyused. As the interest in plants improving indoorair quality is becoming higher like the studyperformed by NASA in 1980s, the study on theeffect of plants or soil on the reduction of airpollutants is being performed plentifully.This study aims at examining the impact of soiland plants, on the iniprovement of airpurification. Experiments were performed in amock-up system where the effect ofconcentration reduction in Volatile OrganicCompounds can be monitored. The variations ofconcentration of Toluene, Etylbenzene, Xylene,Stylene and Formaldehyde were monitored.This study explored the reduction effect ofindoor pollutants by the ltinds ofplant(Ag1aonema hrevispathum, Pachimaquatics) and Soil(Hydro-hall, Neo-coal,Charcoal).In the result, the reduction effect of Toluene,Xylene and Ethylbenzene was to be sensedeffectively, and the effect of plants and soil wasproven. When Aglaoneina was placed, thereduction effect of air pollutants was significant.Also the effect of Charcoal and Hydro-ball was great.
A Study on the Filtering Impact of Plants and Soil on the Reduction ofVolatile Organic Compounds
Bibliographic info:
29th AIVC Conference " Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues", Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008