This paper considers the predictions obtained using a recently developed ventilation parameter (VP) for evaluating the ventilation performance which combines the indices for indoor air quality and thermal comfort. This ventilation parameter is used to analyse the changes in ventilation performance with changes in the position of workstation in a room ventilated using mixing ventilation.
Measurements and CFD simulations for different workstation positions have been carried out at different air change rates. The four indices: the removal effectiveness of contaminant and heat, the predicted percentage of dissatisfied for thermal comfort (PPD) and the percentage of dissatisfied (PD) for air quality were obtained and then used to calculate the value of the ventilation parameter (VP). The results show that VP is a comprehensive index for assessing the changes in ventilation performance due to variations of workstation position.
In this study, it was found that the optimum position of a workstation is achieved when the workstation is positioned at a zone adjacent to the air exhaust point.
The variation of ventilation performance in relation to change in workstation location in a ventilated room

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 2, pp 296-301, 4 Fig., 2 Tab., 10 Ref.