The theoretical and experimental study of heat losses and energy consumption and its influence on the air quality in buildings has been undertaken by the Silesian Technical University since 1980. The heat consumption of buildings isinfluenced by the thermal insulation of buildings components, airtightness of these components and the types of ventilation systems. Simultaneously, the thermal comfort and also air quality is influenced by the modern building material and different types of buildings. The important results of investigations and the analyses of impact of air infiltration and ventilation on both energy consumption and air quality in typical Polish buildings have been given.
Ventilation and air infiltration in relation to the indoor air quality and energy consumption of typical Polish buildings.
Bibliographic info:
Indoor Air. Vol 5. Buildings, Ventilation and Thermal Climate. Edited by B Berglund, T Lindvall, J Sundell. Swedish Council for Building Research, 1984. 453-458, 4 figs, 1 tab, 5 refs.