Peter Holzer, Theofanis Psomas
Languages: English | Pages: 156 pp
Bibliographic info:
Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme, Annex 62 Ventilative Cooling

Overheating in buildings is an emerging challenge at the design stage and during operation. This is due to a number of reasons including high performance standards to reduce heating demand by high insulation levels and restriction of infiltration in heating dominated climatic regions; the occurrence of higher external temperatures during the cooling season due to changing climate and urban climate not usually considered at the design stage; and changes in internal heat gains during operation are not factored in the design. Such factors have resulted in significant deviations in energy use during operation which is usually termed ‘performance gap’. In most energy performance comparative studies energy use is higher than predictions and in most post-occupancy studies overheating is a frequently reported problem. Ventilative cooling can be a solution.

The present sourcebook describes various elements necessary for the succesful implementation of ventilative cooling systems in detail and gives hands on information on their application and control strategies. Furthermore algorithms for air flow estimation as well as key performance indicators are stated. Short summaries of national projects, ranging from the use of ventilative cooling application in schools and frozen food supermarkets to thermal comfort investigations, conducted within the course and by the participants of the Annex 62 are presented in the middle section of this document. The sourcebook also offers an overview of software simulation tools and their ability to represent ventilative cooling in thermal calculations and concludes with the comparison calculation of a test case scenario.

The introduced components and strategies address residential and non-residential buildings as well as natural, mechanical and hybrid ventilation systems. The ventilative cooling sourcebook is for architects, HVAC designers and facility managers with the goal of designing and operating energy efficient buildings making use of ventilative cooling to achieve indoor thermal comfort.