
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The determining parameters for the formation of condensation are 1) the surface temperature of the building section and 2) the dew point temperature of the air in the room.
Hain K
Discusses case histories of rehabilitation work in flats and maisonettes in London, UK. It is clear from the results of these that the ventilation rate is inadequate for the lifestyle in the dwellings considered.
Bealby I R
Outlines some of the principles behind air driven aspects of moisture in buildings and illustrates how calculation methods and mathematical modelling techniques may be used to both predict and remedy associated problems.
Liddament M W
The current German Standard specifies a minimum thermal insulation. However even with excellent insulation, if the air change rate is too low, condensation can form.
Erhorn H, Gertis K
Surface condensation and mould affect about 15% of the UK housing stock. This paper reports BRE work undertaken in occupied dwellings to identify the effectiveness of a range of remedial measures in various situations.
Cornish J P, Sanders C H, Garratt J
Over the last few years frequent cases of mould growth in dwellings have occurred.
Uyttenbroeck J, Carpentier G
This paper reviews the work carried out in the Netherlands on moisture problems. In current air flow simulation models for buildings, moisture transfer and diffusion in and between rooms are not taken into account.
Van der Linden A C, Adan O C G
Presents a detailed description of the measurement technique and apparatus used to measure the air change rate in the Spencer St and Linford low-energy houses in Milton Keynes, UK.
Everett R
This paper presents a quantitative estimate of the error of the decay and constant concentration method.
Sandberg M, Blomqvist C
Summarizes the state of knowledge about combustion products, surface condensation and mould, formaldehyde and radon, and the guidance currently offered on their control in the UK.
Uglow C E
Specific indoor air quality issues that have arisen in the UK in recent years have involved asbestos, formaldehyde, pesticide residues, radon and combustion products. Different measures have been taken with regard to each of these substances.
Llewellyn J W, Warren P R
Reduced ventilation and infiltration, and new materials and machines have increased levels of indoor contaminants. Investigations of many indoor environments reveal contaminant levels above those set as standards for the workplace environments.
McNall P E
Buildings in cold climates must provide an indoor environment that is markedly different from that outdoors.
Handegord G O P
Describes a reasonably accurate method for estimating air infiltration for engineers or energy auditors who are not specially trained in infiltration research.
Sherman M, Dickinson B
Multizone infiltration requires extensive and complex information about the flow characteristics and pressure distribution inside the building, and thus has been too difficult to develop and to validate.
Feustel H E
The passive perfluorocarbon tracer (PFT) technique for determining air infiltration rates into homes and buildings was evaluated in an environmental chamber. 
Schaap L, Leaderer B P, Renes S, et al.
This paper examines the excess ventilation losses arising from window opening behaviour by occupants and using data from a number of sources relates these losses to the outside air temperature.
Mutch R A
Attic ventilation is compared with other means of ceiling heat flux reduction in low cost housing. A simple steady state mathematical model has been run with climatic data for a summer day of Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Lamberts R, Fitzgerald D, Houghton-Evans W
This paper reports on recent developments and future activities in the Netherlands on ventilated facades. The Billiton International Metals building in the Hague is an early example of this.
Bekker J, Van Hove J
This paper discusses the advantages of utilizing air flow windows in hot climates and the technical and functional aspects of engineering air flow window systems into the buildings.
Ripatti H
