
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The air velocities and air temperatures distributions within the occupied zone of a room were determined and the wall surface temperatures were measured, in steady-state conditions.
Dessagne J M
Describes approach based on the Predicted Mean Vote concept as a suitable index of discomfort for housing with evaporative cooling.
Williamson T J, Coldicutt S
Air pollution due to volatile compounds in six unoccupied houses with intended low energy consumption was measured. The measurements included air temperature, air humidity, ventilation rate and concentration of organic gases and vapours.
Molhave L, Lundqvist G R, Andersen I
The influence of air change and ageing on emissions from 5 different building materials were studied.
Nielsen P A
The sink or removal rates for two reactive indoor air contaminants (NO2 and SO2) were evaluated in an environmental chamber as a function of material type (painted sheetrock, wallpaper and carpeting), variable surface area of the material, relativ
Renes S, Leaderer B P, Schaap L, et al.
Direct gas fired heated make-up air is used in industrial buildings to replace exhausted air and to achieve a comfortable temperature while avoiding draughts.
Boholt K
Person-equivalent flames are used to test the performance of ventilation taking account of human occupancy. The resulting carbon dioxide concentration is measured. Standardised bottle gas burners were found to be the most suitable gas sources.
Von Ubisch H
The participating countries of Annex IX "Minimum Ventilation Rates" study emission rates and time dependence for building materials and their dependence on various factors including human behaviour; indoor transfer and interactions; control and ai
Trepte L
Identifies sources of gaseous, vaporous, particulate (inert and viable) and radioactive contaminants within nine functional categories of a hospital.
Woods J E, Ficht M A, Albrecht R J
The influence of air infiltration and window opening on the indoor air quality in Austrian residential buildings was investigated.
Panzhauser E, Fail A, Ertl H
Reviews the possible indicators for monitoring the indoor air quality and controlling the outdoor air intake. The technical feasibility of the system is also discussed.
Suomi U
A gas sensor was used which measures the partial pressure caused by gases polluting the air. The sensor signal was measured in different rooms and compared with the pollution and CO2 rate in the air.
Geerts J A, Grindal A, Hardi W, et al.
Introduces a new HVAC system which adapts the actual needed quantity of outside air and at the same time maintains the demanded thermal conditions. Apart from the temperature, the CO2-level in the controlled zones is used tocontrol the system.
Makulla D, Mollers P, Rouvel L
A mathematical model, CLIM, is used to compare constant air flow ventilation with adjustable ventilation controlled by indoor relative humidity.
Nicolas C
Body odour emitted by 16 occupants at three activity levels (1, 4 and 6 met) was evaluated by 30 male and female judges. The judges assessed, when entering the occupied room, the intensity and acceptability of the body odour.
Rasmussen C, Clausen G H, Berg-Munch B, et al.
Characteristics of the air velocity were measured at 500 points in the occupied zone of 20 typically ventilated spaces. A relationship between the mean velocity and the standard deviation was found at four heights above the floor.
Hanzawa H, Melikow A K, Fanger P O
Much research work has been carried out on modelling ventilation air currents. The authors propose that the currents be divided into specific zones, the air parameters of each zone being determined by different conditions.
Helman N A
This study deals with natural heat transfer through apertures between two adjacent rooms.
Bois J M, Blay D, Tuhault J L
The air exchange rate and total heat loss were measured in 11 detached dwellings to find the relationship between measured and calculated transmission heat loss factors based on standard Norwegian calculation methods.
Haugen T
Examines the design of two houses, built in 1982, which integrate an exhaust air heat pump and a warm air heating system into a very well insulated structure. Monitored during 1983-84, they consumed 50% less energy than a typical Swedish house.
Blomsterberg A
