
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Reviews the energy conservation features employed in most low energy houses in the Prairie region including airtightness (by application of a vapour barrier), increased thickness of insulation, air-to-air heat exchangers and south-facing windows.
Dumont R.S. Orr H.W. Lux M.E.
Airflow window units are a combination of energy efficient fenestration and adjustable shading device, consisting of a double-glazed outer sash and a single-glazed inner sash, with venetian or louvered blinds in between. Space air is admitted
Brandle K. Boehm R.F.
Presents data on the air infiltration and ventilation rates in 2 large commercial buildings. One building is a 4 storey, 10000m2 office building near Glasgow, Scotland; the other is a 26 storey, 100,000m2 skyscraper in Newark NJ.
Grot R.A.
To experimentally determine the repeatability of pressurization test results, pressure tests a home about 80 times in one year. Studies the effect of weather conditions on test results, along with changes in the results over time.
Persily A.
Conducts tests over a period of 18 months in a house near Knoxville Tennessee to determine the effect of forced ventilation on the infiltration rate. Uses an outside-vented electric dryer as the power vent.
Levins W.P.
Describes a simple method to calculate the leakage area of a house regardless of design or weather conditions. The leakage area is used in the LBL infiltration model to calculate infiltration for any weather condition.
Grimsrud D.T. Sherman M.H. Sonderegger R.C.
Studies moisture conditions in homes in 2 studies. In one study, 17 homes in 4 states were probed in mid-March 1977, and all moisture content levels were found to be within the acceptable range of equilibrium moisture contents.
Johnson R.J.
Discusses the ASHRAE Standard 62-1981 "Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor AIr Quality", and extensive field measurements of ventilation.
Mcnall P.E.
Presents a model for computing the infiltration and air flow between rooms of a multi-room building in terms of basic principles of fluid mechanics. This model has been incorporated into a comprehensive loads-predicting computer program.
Walton G.N.
Summarises in tables the energy consumptions of a block of flats and a single house demonstrating how the share of energy consumed for fresh air heating and domestic hot water supply increases significantly in line with improved thermal insulati
Rieben S.
Adduces the economic advantages of weatherstripping for energy conservation, performance criteria and future developments in materials and fixings. Mentions the advantageous psychological response of personnel.
Boast D J.
Describes the different types of monitoring and sampling techniques that can determine the radiation burden of the general public from radon and its decay products. This is accomplished by measuring the range and distribution of radon and rad
George A C.
Measurements of radon and radon daughters in 11 buildings in five states, using active or passive solar heating showed no significant increase in concentration over the levels measured in buildings with conventional heating systems.
George A C., Knutson E O., Franklin H.
Describes methods of predicting concentration levels of indoor air pollution in a variety of residences by using residence air infiltration rates, residence volumes, and source terms, and by making assumptions about occupant lifestyle and poll
Parker G B. et al
As more component leakage test data become available, all available data has been merged using the orifice flow equation for a standard pressure differential of 50 Pa existing across the component. All component leakage areas are added to pro
Harrje D T., Born G J.
Energy-related variables were monitored in six detached houses in Winnipeg, Manitoba, before and after the houses were retrofitted by re-insulating the exterior walls and ceiling, or walls only, with blown loose-fill glass-fibre or cellulose
Experimental measurements have been conducted on eight houses in the Ottawa area to study the changes induced in house performance when loose-fill insulation is installed in walls.
Moffatt R S
The expectation of elevated 222Rn levels in modern homes that have low air interchange rates with the outdoor air led to a survey of both conventional and solar homes in northeastern New York State. As a group, homes that are more airtight ha
Fleischer R L, Mogro-Campero A, Turner L G
Work has been in progress for several years on the revision of Byggeforeskrifter (Norwegian Building Regulations), and the new chapter 54 sets quantitative requirements for the air tightness of sections of a building and the building as a whole.
Skaar E
