
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Gives measurements of the ventilation as well as the temperature efficiency of mechanical supply and exhaust systems (balanced systems).
Sandberg M. Svensson A.
States that the reduction in energy losses due to reduced air infiltration is often overestimated because the effect of open windows is not taken into account.< Shows that the habits of airing are rather similar in some European countries.
Lyberg M.D.
Shows that recent investigation has revealed harmful pollutants in greater concentrations in energy-conserving buildings then in the surrounding outdoor air.
Lord D.
Lists three factors causing a high radon and radon daughter concentration in Swedish dwellings:< 1. By energy-saving measures the ventilation rate has become low.< 2.
Hildingson O.
Proposes a simple equation derived using a more complex theoretical model for use in the prediction of the infiltration performances of houses over a range of meteorological conditions.
Warren P.R.
Describes work sponsored by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to investigate indoor air quality in 10 single-family houses and 2 office buildings in Boston.
Whitaker R.
Describes the application of a model that relates infiltration to a quantity called the effective leakage area. This quantity scales the infiltration to local weather conditions and major design features of the house.
Grimsrud D.T. Sherman M.H. Sonderegger R.C.
There are two types of air movement in the shell of a building - movement along the insulation as in cavity walls and movement through the insulation.
Bankvall C.
Analyses an infiltration heat loss calculation in accordance with Standard CSN 06 0210, with regard to the minimum air exchange rate (0.3 ach/hr).
Feher J.
Describes an investigation to see what energy saving can be achieved by the regulation of mechanical ventilation systems in high rise buildings.
Phaff J.C.
The results of a prediction method for calculating ventilation rates in a detached house are compared with experimental measurements described in aprevious paper.
Alexander D.K. Etheridge D.W.
Describes the extent of the problem of condensation in roof spaces of well-insulated dwellings, discusses the mechanisms resulting in condensation, and evaluates possible solutions.
Oughton R.J.
Uses a multi-channel infra-red gas analyser to measure nitrous oxide tracer gas concentration at six points round a house. Combines concentrations to give overall house ventilation rates and to estimate the air exchange between individual rooms.
Saunders C.H.
Investigates what minimum fresh air supply per person is required to prevent unacceptable odour annoyance due to stale smells in offices and comparable buildings.
Bouwman H.B.
Describes the methods and considerations employed in the development of a detailed monitoring and evaluation programme for passive solar residences.
Giffin T.M.
Describes how through ventilation can reduce the effectiveness of balanced ventilation systems in dwellings incorporating air-to-air heat exchangers.
de Gids W.F. Phaff J.C.
Outlines the design of 6 energy efficient houses in Co. Kildare by the Electricity Supply Board, Ireland. The aim of the project is to collect and disseminate information on the costs and benefits of energy efficient houses.
Lewis J. Shine M.
Describes results from wind-tunnel tests on models of the Building Research Establishment's experimental building at Aylesbury.
Holdo A.E. Houghton E.L. Bhinder F.S.
Gives a brief survey of aspects of research into air infiltration.
Dewsbury J.
