
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In hot and humid climates, dampness in buildings leads to significant respiratory symptoms and damage to buildings.
Tsay Y.S., Kato S., Ooka R., Koganei M., Shoda N.
Variable air volume (VAV) terminal placement has typically been considered good enough in the HVAC industry, regardless of upstream duct geometry that clearly affects the response of the flow sensor.
Klaczek K., Ackerman M., Fleming P., Fleck B.
This paper describes the second step toward development of an affordable net zero energy house as part of the Department of Energy’s Building Technology Program.
Christian E.J., Pate P., Childs P., Atchley J.
The Adam Joseph Lewis Center for Environmental Studies in Oberlin, Ohio, is a 13,600 ft2 (1,263 m2) academic building designed with a long-term goal of operating as a net energy exporter.
Pless S.D., Torcellini P.A.
This paper provides an overview of the performance of a low-energy naturally ventilated building and an explanation of special methods required to assess it.
Walker C.E., Norford L.K., Glicksman L.R.
In line with the mission of the National Park Service, the Zion National Park Visitor Center was designed to use 70% less energy than a comparable visitor center built to Federal Energy Code 10 CFR 435 (DOE 1995).
Long N.L., Torcellini P.A., Pless S.D., Judkoff R.
The Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities (IAMU) office and training headquarters is a pioneering building designed in 1997 that helped define and embody high-performance sustainable design on a speculative office building budget.This project wa
McDougall T., Nordmeyer K, , Klaassen C.J.
Prior to 2005, there was not a recognized test method in the United States for determining the grease removal efficiency of mechanical filters used in kitchen ventilation systems.
Schrock D.W, Olson B.A., Urness R.J., Kuehn T.H., Breitenfeldt A.L.
This paper summarizes the primary results from ASHRAE Research Project RP-1202, a laboratory investigation into the effects that appliance diversity and position have on exhaust hood performance.
Swierczyna R., Sobiski P., Fischer D.
This paper summarizes a laboratory investigation into the effects that range top diversity, range accessories (including shelving and a salamander) and hood dimensions (including hood height and depth and reservoir volume) have on hood performance
Swierczyna R., Sobiski P., Fischer D.
Contamination sources and prevention is a topic that all facility planners and designers must consider in the data processing environment. Contaminants can be grouped into one of three categories: gaseous, solids (particulates) and liquids.
Prisco JF
In this study, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models are used to evaluate how ceiling height affects the overall performance of the air distribution system within a data center environment.
Sorell V., Khankari K., Watve V.K.A.
The objective of this field investigation was to compare the impacts on thermal comfort due to vertical location of return air inlets in a residential forced-air system operating in the cooling mode.
Rittelmann W.D.
Field research performed in 70 central Florida homes found that return grilles are almost always located in the central zone of the house and that individual rooms rarely have ducted returnair or return transfer pathways.
Cummings J.B., Withers C.R.
Research in 88 central Florida commercial buildings during the last decade has found that 26% of the air distribution systems had substantially unbalanced return air.
Withers C.R, Cummings J.B
For that IAQ evaluation in a 75 storeys office building, the authors used three indicators (CO2, TVOC, PM10) to assist the building engineering management in the identification of possible improvement measures in indoor air quality control
Chan D.W.T., Law L.K.C., Chan M.H.
This paper sums up the findings from three current analyses of BASE data. Using multivariate logistic regression models, the authors found increasing occupant symptoms associated with building related factors.
Mendell M.J., Lei-Gomez Q., Cozen M., Brightman H.S., Apte M., Erdmann C.A., Brunner G., Girman J.R.
Measurements of physical, chemical and microbiological parameters were carried out in three classrooms of a school in Porto. They were conducted in winter, spring and summer twice a week. The results are presented.
Samudio M.J., Ventura Silva G., Oliveira Fernades E., Guedes J, Vasconcelos M.T.S.D.
This paper points out the benefits of on-going testing of building materials. This allow to learn more about the decay or rise of building-related and occupant-related indoor air chemicals.
Alevantis L.E., Levin H., Miller R., Waldman J.M, Mudarri D.
That study investigated the possibility of using a regenerative desiccant rotor for air purification.A laboratory study was carried out in a climate chamber, a dehumidifier with a silica gel desiccant rotor was installed within it to treat the
Fang L., Zhnag G., Wisthaler A.
